Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon IV

Apr 22, 2007 00:00

Sorted: 149 prompts! Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 22 2007, 23:54:00 UTC
Recipient: stasia
Prompt: Harry/Draco; hope, loss, children
Word Count: 258 (sorry cats, I obviously can't count, either)
Rating: PG

* * *

Everybody had a plan for Harry Potter after the war. Offers started pouring in the moment that the special edition of the Daily Prophet went out. The Quidditch leagues were the worst, with their offers to play Quidditch and coach Quidditch and be a WWN announcer for all the games. Everybody wanted Harry to become a public figure, a sense of hope after all of the loss of the war.

And people were always telling Harry to think of the children- suggesting that he start an orphanage or have his picture taken shaking hands with the Director of the War Orphans Adoption Program. Well the children could just bugger directly off as far as Harry was concerned. He didn't even like kids ( ... )


Re: for Stasia bethbethbeth April 23 2007, 01:05:30 UTC
Heh. I love this post-war Harry...and this is about the most apt punishment for Draco ever (well, punishment until he and Harry start sleeping together *g*)


Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 23 2007, 02:30:03 UTC
Thanks. I think it's completely implausible, but totally the kind of thing that Harry would sit there and daydream about.


Re: for Stasia stasia April 23 2007, 05:01:34 UTC

I love this! Thank you so much. I'll be grinning at the image of CabanaBoy!Draco all night.



Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 23 2007, 05:22:15 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it. The prompt seemed so serious at first, and I was struggling to come up with something fun for it. I'm so happy that I appear to have suceeded.


Re: for Stasia amanuensis1 April 23 2007, 10:28:09 UTC
HA! My favorite flavour of H/D; romantic and loopy.


Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 23 2007, 13:34:34 UTC
Aww, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Re: for Stasia waterbird April 23 2007, 15:28:21 UTC
Hee. Well, Harry has certainly more than earned it! :)


Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 23 2007, 19:03:09 UTC
:D Thanks! And if it keeps Draco out of Azkaban...


Re: for Stasia eeyore9990 April 24 2007, 12:57:54 UTC
HAhaha! Yay, Harry. Excellent idea! The twins are geniuses!


Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 24 2007, 19:27:26 UTC
Thank you! :D


Re: for Stasia luci0logy April 27 2007, 00:35:03 UTC
I hope Draco has plenty of sun cream to protect his pale skin. *G* Does a cabana boy's duties include 'massage'?


Re: for Stasia fiona_fawkes April 27 2007, 04:08:48 UTC
Oh yeah. This is a total personal assistant type gig.

Heh, in MY pervy brain, Draco totally starts taking the upper hand when he realizes that he can manipulate Harry sexually. That's when this would get really interesting. ;)


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