Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon 5

Jul 26, 2009 00:00

Sorted: 123 prompts! Blame the Cat(s).

The list of Who's Writing What For Whom... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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The Apparent Heir, for elfwreck vaysh July 26 2009, 15:33:23 UTC
Recipient: elfwreck
Prompt: The Malfoy secret: Draco's the youngest of three siblings.
Word count: 680
Rating: PG-13 (Harry/Draco)

"His hair's the same as yours," Harry whispers with closed eyes, his fingers weaving through Draco's hair, the touch gentle yet distant, as if Harry much rather be stroking the Malfoys' young gardener.

For the last minutes, Draco has been watching Harry as he talked to the blond man. Smiled, laughed, painted pictures in the air with his strong hands, hands that Draco loves to draw such sweet pleasure from his skin. Harry even petted the runty cat - Dopey, the gardener calls it.

He shakes his head, makes Harry loosen his grip, for it disgusts him to think of where those hands have been (where his thoughts have been, his eyes). Harry's his, his alone. All his life Draco had to share, and he will not share Harry. Even after Azkaban, Mother still talks more to the gardener than to Draco, discussing soils and fertilisers and rainbows shimmering in the dew on the roses. She will secretly cast Orchideous spells on ( ... )


Re: The Apparent Heir, for elfwreck marguerite_26 July 27 2009, 16:34:50 UTC
I love it! I love the subtly of the brothers... though I didn't guess they were squibs. My thought was that they were maybe half-brothers, one of Lucius/Bella and one of Narcissa/OMC But I think it all makes sense either way.

Draco! Oh so insecure! and now we know why. *loves*

oh! and the title is fabulous.


Re: The Apparent Heir, for elfwreck vaysh July 27 2009, 17:41:56 UTC
Thank you so much! But see why I would have needed your beta? The story is way too oblique as it is (I did post a clearer version in my LJ where it is stated right out that the gardener and the caretaker are Squibs AND Draco's brothers). To my mind, someone with a cat screams Squib, but that's obviously just me ;-).

But yes, illegitimate sons would have been interesting, too. Not sure whether Lucius would have kept them a secret and working in such menial job if they were wizards, though.

Aw, Draco - yes, very insecure. He must be, in a sense, being loved not for himself, but only for his magic.


Re: The Apparent Heir, for elfwreck lore July 27 2009, 22:42:40 UTC
Oh, this makes so much sense, that the Malfoys probably had to hide their squib children from the Dark Lord and had to work to produce Draco. And then they take out their resentment at only being able to acknowledge their youngest son by ignoring and belittling him.

At least you gave Draco Harry's undivided attention. It kept the drabble from being utterly bleak. Very nicely done! Thank you so much!

love, lore


Re: The Apparent Heir, for elfwreck vaysh July 29 2009, 11:33:15 UTC
There are only so many possibilities that Draco can have siblings, and still have the story fit the canon events ;-). I am happy that the Squib brothers convinced you. To my mind, Lucius and Narcissa honestly like their Squib sons more than Draco on whom they bestowed all their expectations. But yes, he still has Harry. Thank you for reading and commenting!


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