Pard's got a BIG handlenv1August 24 2007, 16:20:50 UTC
Pard bid 5N, forcing to slam, when I might have doubled 4H with something like AQxx Kxx xxx Kxx, so he's got the nuts, but not spades. I expect something like Kx A Kxxx AQJTxx, so it's hard to see how I won't roll in a few overtricks in grand.
5NT should be pick a slam. The only bids I would seriously consider are 6C and 7C. I think I'd bid 7 since I have such a good hand for what I've shown, but at the table there's a chance that I'd wuss out and just bid 6. I have to admit that the small doubleton club scares me, as well as the possibility of a diamond ruff at trick one. The "right" answer should probably depend on (1) my partner, (2) the match state, and (3) who are the opponents at the other table.
Comments 8
I think 6D is my bid.
(b) 6C
My guess is that it's pick a slam and pard has Kxxx Axx -- AQJxxx or Kxxx Ax Kx AQJxx or x Ax Kxxx AQJxxx or some such. I'd bid 7c.
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