(C) Strongly disagree with initial pass. I suppose your only choice on round 2 is 2h, although youre still underbidding. Seems like partner should at least raise to 3 with 4-card support, although I'd pass with that hand if the majors were reversed.
(E) I do sorta like the Smolen suggestion. I also just like Stayman then 3N ober 2 non spades.
Comments 1
(C) Agree with 2s
Match 4:
(C) Strongly disagree with initial pass. I suppose your only choice on round 2 is 2h, although youre still underbidding. Seems like partner should at least raise to 3 with 4-card support, although I'd pass with that hand if the majors were reversed.
(E) I do sorta like the Smolen suggestion. I also just like Stayman then 3N ober 2 non spades.
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