Title: Before He Goes Crazy
Author: md123
Pairing: Jack/Avery
Rating: PG (Angst)
Spoilers: "Everything Sunny"
Word Count: 254
Summary: Jack wonders what Avery's life is like.
In the quiet moments, especially after a woman he's met makes it clear she's available to him, Jack wonders what Avery's life is like.
Is she happy? Kim Jong-Un is not the magnificent all-around specimen that Jack is, but he is the absolute dictator of a nation, albeit a dismal one. That confers social status, and Avery, like most women he knows, craves social status.
Has she found a way to love him? To at least accept her fate by finding things she likes about him? Or is it a horror of forced intimacy? As much as he'd like to think he's irreplaceable, Jack can't bear to wish that Avery is continually assaulted in her new home.
In the end, Jack's trump card is Liddy; he feels sure that a daughter is one thing that Avery could never quite let go. But if things keep going as they are, she will eventually feel an equal pull in North Korea. An heir is inevitable.
Almost as much as he wants Avery back, he wants resolution; he's been without companionship for some time now, in what must be a record for him. True, Liddy fills a lot of that hole, and he has good friends -- er, make that good friend -- but it doesn't quite make up for it. He's finding that his mind wanders in uncomfortable ways; sometimes he could swear that Lemon is flirting with him, which is of course a sign of total delirium.
He needs resolution. Before he goes crazy.