Not like that is anything new at all. I have a habit of taking long vacations from LJ and then coming back and looking for new friends or trying to catch up with the ones I already have
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K so, RHPS is pretty much like having mustiple orgasms for 2 hours straight. Mmmmm, but yeah. I think that it's crazy that you write "TTFN" at the end of your posts. Because I used to write the exact same thing in my diary when I was 10. Anyway, was it you who IMed me on yahoo and we had a conversation that had to do with lesbians, kraft singles cheese and "the other half of my sandwhich" ?? 'Cause if that was you, you can be the father of my children. k?
You know, after reading everyone else's comment, it's a bit difficult to top them all. Everyone cooning about missing you and whatnot. Sorry mines not going to be along those lines. More of a 'what the hell did you do, change your number?!' thing. Tried callin you last wednesday but it seems either the number I have is old, or I was too intoxicated to dial it correctly. BUT then agian, if you were on more often, it wouldn't be so damn hard to pick on you. :p I'm sure we'll rant back and forth soon or later, lad. You know you're just dyin to have one of those demanding debates with the little miss know it all. ;)
Yo man where in the shit are you at? can we get an update please even if it is just the dvds you have picked up recently. we need to know your alive *shakes the cage*
Comments 13
I look forward to your next post on your ideas on the new Lost season.
hey, continue your stories when you've got the time eh? you left it hanging!
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