Better Late then Never?mwiszJanuary 3 2006, 20:00:30 UTC
I cannot believe what I am're 18...I guess I should wish you a Happy Birthday...better late then never right? I cannot believe this...I remember you as just a girl...but a woman. I know your family is proud...or atleast they should might not even remember me...but wish you a happy B-Day.
Re: Better Late then Never?mwiszJanuary 3 2006, 22:51:43 UTC
Matt? The last time I saw you I was so young, all I remember is you going out with gwen. or something. how did you find me? and are you sure you know who this is?
Re: Better Late then Never?mwiszJanuary 5 2006, 22:45:08 UTC
Yeah, I remember...I found you through finding Gwen's journal. Then you posted a comment...which lead me to you...I figured I'd contact you to see if you remembered who I was. lol...great to hear from you's things in CA?
Re: Better Late then Never?mdiva182January 14 2006, 01:35:24 UTC
its pretty good. have you talked to gwen yet? I keep forgeting to call her and tell that you found our livejournals. I think i'll call her soon and tell her. well ttyl.
btw I didnt mean for the last comment to be anonymous. it was an accident.
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, tell your mom I'll put more photos on today so you guys can check out my journal for updates. Most of the time I'm up late but not that late, or early, whatever you want to call that time. I've been meaning to call your mom lately, haven't spoken with her or anyone in CA for that matter in a while. I'll keep you up to date on my journal. Hope you can keep up with it.
Comments 20
btw I didnt mean for the last comment to be anonymous. it was an accident.
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