Woke up, drove towards Lestat's, drove drove drove. Driiiiiving.
I get to drive, yay!
Anyway. Scenery shots will be posted by Pery later WHEN SHE GETS AROUND TO IT >:|, but I'll just talk a bit about stuff and things and possibly post a couple of pictures.
Oh hey, a picture.
What? You want a proper one? Fiiiine.
oh hey, a norwegian chick
More driving, joy.
Finally hit a town where we ate dinner. And what a dinner that was.
No mum, I did not eat that all by myself. I did share, I swear.
(seriously, think I can really put -that- much away?)
Well, here's a picture for you then.
Walked around impressive church/cathedral/thingie.
Took some photos.
More driving, until we saw an opportunity to bunk down for the night in a cheap motel on the way (since we saved money because of Sectus' parents allowing us to crash at their place).
Cheap motel! Wasn't too bad since we had our own sleeping bags.