Norway trip: Day Seven

Jun 22, 2009 19:17

We woke up and spent some time getting ready and waking up and etc for the glacier trip with Lestat. After endless debate about how much warm-weather gear I should pack, I finally settled for my vest with emergency jacket that I could tie around my waist either way. Actually, maybe I'll just show a picture.

Anyone else get a chill from looking at that picture? No? Just me? Okay.

Fine, fine, I'll show the hot people instead.

Happy now? Good. Maybe we can move on.

Ked wanted to hug the signpost, so we obliged and gave her a moment.

The view of the glacier as we got closer.

We finally got there after a bit of walking uphill. My personal trainer will be proud of me.

The glacier in all it's glory.

Actually, that's only one arm of the mighty glacier which is on top of that mountain.

Obligatory group shot(s) time!

Silly Ked begged to be let in on the action, too.

Afterwards we went back down again and vegged out at Lestat's pad for the rest of the evening (the trip took around 2 hours of walking, around 1 hour of driving, and some time at the gift shop). We watched Kung Fu Hustle, and if you haven't seen that movie, I would highly recommend it. None of us could stop laughing throughout the entire film.

After talking with Lestat a bit, we headed off to bed... we had a long day of driving ahead of us the next day and Lestat was kind enough to let us stay in his place as long as we needed, as long as we remembered to lock up when we left. Much <3.

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