Today Islam is misunderstood in Western Nations to the point that it is seen as a religion of bloodshed, war and inequality. But, why and who is to blame? the Media? Muslims? Leaders? Allah? You? What if we all play a role?
First, i'll begin by trying to answer the question: why is an idea or a thing misunderstood in the first place? There are many reasons for misunderstanding. One is misrepresentation of the idea or thing, by someone with ulterior motives. A second reason might be because of lack of research by the person or people discussing the idea or thing due to ignorance and laziness. Another reason might be a simple misinterpretation or lack of complete understanding of the idea or thing by the person learning about it. Anything that is misunderstood can be traced down to these three reasons.
Islam is the victim of all these criteria.
Its misunderstanding is first and mostly attributed to The Muslim. The Muslim who misinterprets the Quran. The Muslim who doesn't attempt to understand the Quran. The Muslim who doesn't stand up against the radical Muslim. The Muslim who doesn't find peace in the quran, “There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned” (Quran 2:256). The Muslim who does not practice tolerance. The Muslim who thinks he is superior because he practices Islam. The Muslim who imposes his religion on others. The Muslim who does not spread peace.
Its misunderstanding is to be attributed to the media, which doggedly shows a negative perception of Islam. The media that portrays a very minority of terrorists as a majority in the religion. The media which does not portray the Muslims who try to spread peace and the true teachings of Islam, "Love for all hatred for none." ( The media who does not do its research to find and learn the true teachings of Islam. The media who has its own agenda and not the agenda for the community.
Its misunderstanding is attributed to the leaders who interpret and teach Islam with wrong intentions. With intentions that solely benefit them. With intentions to gain power and wealth. With intentions to mislead and hurt others.
Its misunderstanding is attributed to the viewers and to the ignorant who blindly believe what the see in the media.
Allah has simply provided us the laws and rules to follow in the Quran. Interpret the Quran with peace, love and harmony in MIND.