◄ logs October 2010
★ = For Pot of Gold
► Trades -
[357] Trade:
piraskel :: Familiar08 for Deadpan14
[356] Trade:
ludwig :: Devoted11 for Crusnik18
[354,355] Trade:
Skie :: Meimei01, Tiger04 for Otaku04, Sympathy16
[353] Trade:
Aletha:: Tomboy12 for Candy04
[350,351,352] Trade:
mirajane :: Beli06, Violin10, Violin12 for Doll11, Pistol12, Wind09
► Game Prizes -
Host Club 09: Disaster13, Beloved03
Crossword 09: Maid13, Junes11, Familiar08
Poké Radar Round 18: Illness18, Caliber01
Art Lessons with Rukia 20: Steak14, Otomen12
► Trades -
[348, 349] Trade:
Meru :: Guardian05 and Piano11 for Chainsaw19 and Sergeant04
[347] Trade:
Norkia:: Loyalty01 for Deadpan03
[346] Trade:
Harumi :: Chat10 for Crusnik11
[344,345] Trade:
individual :: Cynical06 and Cynical11 for Tonfar09 and Toran17
[343] Trade:
ouji-tan :: Honest03 for Doll03
► Game Prizes -
Pot of Gold: Completed Green, Purple & All Quests: Fog20, Clueless19, Monocle05, Charm13, Bride09, Keyboard17, Devoted11, President17, Klutz18, Objection06, Information18, Translator02, Scythe16, Memories11, Green crayon
Lottery: Meister20, Beli06, For20, Secret20 & Veda19 for Lottery Tickets 02/09/15/17/23
► Deck Donation -
Alien13, TwinStar07, Fog01 and Grey Crayon for BlueMoon Deck
► Trades -
[342] Trade:
tamaryokucha :: Whip09 for Bass01
[339, 340, 341] Trade:
algorithmrondo :: 6613, Magic04, German09 for Doll04, Doll07, Doll15
[338] Trade: Trade:
spinningstyle :: Turtle14 for Zero20
[337] Trade:
oresame :: Slave04 for Awaken16
Harumi :: Chainsaw10 for Witch12
[332, 333, 334, 335] Trade:
kikai7 :: Bubbly02, Capture06, Capture15, DNA12 for Clueless11, Zero13, Funeral06, Funeral19
[330, 331] Trade:
ludwig :: Rose03 and Rose16 for Deadpan11 and Deadpan19
[328. 329] Trade:
moon_wolfwriter :: Meganes07 and Fullmetal06 for Pistol06 and Tiger04
[327] Trade:
maya_chu :: Selece02 for Doll02
► Game Prizes -
Guess the Color 19: Duality04, Veda19
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 08: Mayonnaise06, Selece09
Spare Parts 07: President07, World19
Seiyuu Guess 13: Falchion20, Arrogant14, Wired13
► Voting Contest 04: Money08, Esper10
► Art Submission: Otomen08, Alias16, Dance20, Stubborn14, Purple Crayon
► Trades -
[326] Trade:
Chuu :: Popular13 for Foul13
[325] Trade:
Skie :: Fishing06 for Pistol09
[324] Trade:
orechibisama :: Wolf13 for Candy03
[323] Trade:
chikky2k5 :: Jokes17 for Pistol08
[322] Trade:
piraskel :: Calibur04 for Foul08
► Game Prizes -
Conan's Clues 13: Turtle14, Channel20 (Note: Should have been under 10/14 updates OTL)
► MASTERED! :: Veda Deck
► Mastered Reward: Deny12, Sin15, Spy18, Orange Crayon
► Trades -
[321] Trade:
Lucathia :: Cheer08 for Spy14
[320] Trade:
maya_chu :: Gramarye06 for Toran18
Meru :: Novelist17 for Earth10
Harumi :: Japan20, Sealand15 for Foul05, Meister09
Skie :: Rock05, Tiger03 for Foul12, Sealand15
Norkia:: Kits signature for Norkia signature card
► Game Prizes -
Pick a Color 07: Fog20, Slave04, Arrogant10
Pot of Gold: Completed Red, Orange & Gray Quests: Caliber04, Pal08, Secret20, Veda16, Green crayon
► Crayon turn in: Red crayon for Immortal17, Yellow crayon for AcePilot06 , Brown crayon for Foul06, Blue crayon for Fishing06
► Sketchpad donation: Sun12, General12
► LEVEL UP! : Level Brown
► Level up Rewards: Kitten06, Pitcher03, Spy07, Orange crayon
► Trade Buddies with
► Trades -
[313] Trade:
lazuliprince :: Kits signature for a Lazuli signature card
[311, 312] Trade:
Skie :: Erokappa04, Meimei05 for Funeral12, Priest01
[310] Trade:
exponible :: Duck09 for Crusnik04
[309] Trade:
wet :: NorthItaly07 for AcePilot14
► Game Prizes -
Beauty Pageant 09: Novelist17, Eyepatch02, Blastia08
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 07: Meimei01, SOS14
Pot of Gold: Completed Blue & Yellow Quests: Wired15, Aimo11, Shadow07, Beli06, Tiny14, Magic14, Blue Crayon
► Trade Buddies with
► Sketchpad turn in: Softball14, Korobokkuru07, Guardian05, Ribbon07, Blue Crayon, Brown Crayon
► Crayon turn in: Green crayon for signature card, Gray crayon for Japan20, Purple Crayon for Veda12, Orange Crayon for Tiger03
► Trades -
floorybitch :: Sin09 for Magic16
★[307] Trade:
kirkland :: Revolver09 for Purple Crayon
15★ [306] Trade:
vriska :: Butler11 for Tuxedo19
14[305] Trade:
lazuliprince :: Memories7 for Crusnik01
[304] Trade:
Aletha:: Dattebayo06 for Spy20
[303] Trade:
Norkia:: Whispered19 for Grey Crayon
► Game Prizes -
Art Lessons with Rukia 18: Deadpan02, Meganes07
► Art Studio: Fog03, Fog04, Fog07 for Signature Card
► MASTERED! :: Shadow Deck, Ice Deck
► Mastered Reward: Hahi13, Brat16, Ice14, Aquarius11, German09, Veda05, Red Crayon, Green Crayon
► Trades -
wet :: Grey Crayon for Green Crayon
► Game Prizes -
Pot of Gold: Completed Brown Quest: Selece04, Strawberry17, Rayearth10, Julia15 for Gramarye06, Junk04, Angel01 and Wolf13
► Trades -
★[302] Trade:
Skie :: Jealousy08 for Un-Sorcerer06
13[301] Trade:
ludwig :: Nyan04 for AcePilot02
★12[299, 300] Trade:
moon_wolfwriter :: Capture07 and Uranus07 for Acepilot01 and Moon11
★[296, 297, 298] Trade:
Norkia:: Mirage11, Science18 and Science20 for Uranus11, Magical09 and Selece04
[294, 295] Trade:
Skie :: Softball17 and Jealousy01 for Brush20 and NorthItaly07
11 [292, 293] Trade:
shinshi :: Spider08 and Chainsaw09 for Wind18 and Veda18
► Art Studio: Meister05, Spy02, Veda17 for Shadow16
► Game Prizes -
Spare Parts 05: Nyan04, Sun19
★Guess the Color 17: Julia15, Whip09
Conan's Clues 12: Stubborn08, Butler09
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 13: Meimei05, Aniue08, Civilian08, Sin07
Host Club Giveaway 08: Otaku02, Capture15
★Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 06: Strawberry17, Knightmare12
★Reading Between the Lines 09: Immortal15, Pure12, Rayearth10
► Trades -
10 [291] Trade:
spinningstyle :: B-Rabbit06 for Earth14
9[290] Trade:
Remus :: Curry02 for Candy12
8[289] Trade:
Meru :: Laevatein04 for Candy08
7[288] Trade:
Tari :: Taozi02 for Candy01
6[287] Trade:
Hana :: Spain16 for Candy02
5 [285, 286] Trade:
Chuu :: President20 and Devoted16 for Candy06 and Crusnik02
4[284] Trade:
Norkia:: Berserker08 for Candy17
3[283] Trade:
Aletha:: Fate01 for Candy20
2[282] Trade:
Skie :: Wings20 for Candy09
1 [281] Trade:
sparkism :: Esper02 for Toran13
► Game Prizes -
Seiyuu Guess 12: Thief17, Combat17, Science18
Ryoga's Directions 08: Science20, Spider08, Shark14
► Colors TCG Referral: Sew20, Clueless12
► Trade Buddies with Meru!
► Trades -
[280] Trade:
raissa_yei :: Trigger14 for Spy16
[279] Trade:
shinshi :: Otaku04 for Meister16
[278] Trade:
Norkia:: Science14 for Foul18
► Game Prizes -
Lottery 01: Guild07, DNA12, Meister20, Orange Crayon
Art Lessons with Rukia 17: Waitress01, Monta19, Howl07
★Neku's Music Station 16: Violin10, Fujoshi05, Venus20
► Art Submission: Uranus07, Coffee08, Moe02, 6613, Brown Crayon
► October Release: President20, Taozi02, Curry02, Berserker08, Fate01, Spain16, Wings20 and Laevatein04
◄ credit
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