I am sitting here at work with a big ole smile on my face thinking about how "life is good". Todd is doing so freaking well with his recovery, we have gotten sooooo much love and support from so many people, my boss is amazing, and I love my husband like crazy, etc., etc., etc.
So what did I find in my mailbox yesterday? Another phenomenally thoughtful gift from the wonderful LJ ladies! You guys, seriously you are all just too much and I cannot even say thank you enough for everything. I got an e-mail from Laura with a list of ladies who contributed but I don't have all of your e-mails to send you all a personal thank you. I feel very badly about this. I wanted you all to know how *very much* we feel blessed to have friends like you all. Truly, you guys are all amazing and we thank you all so much.
Like I said, Todd's recovery is going so well. He isn't even using a cane anymore! He still has to wear a cervical collar 24/7 for the next 6 weeks or so but other than that things are great. His neck and hip incisions are healing up great and his pain is very minimal. He is bored being trapped at home but that just means that he calls me 34379877 times a day at work which is sweet. I am trying to go home everyday around 4 and as soon as I get home he is like "where are we going this evening?". Poor guy, he really needs some time away from our house. We have been doing lots of Hanukkah and Christmas shopping, movie watching, and errand running. We have also been making a ton of plans with our friends and family. It's been a tough month but things are really, really coming around and we are very lovey dovey these days and I am just a happy lady.
I let go of my anal control freak ways and agreed to go to Todd's cousin's house for an extended family Thanksgiving instead of doing it at our house this year. I really thought I would be super sad to not do the whole shebang myself but surprisingly I am not feeling that way right now. Probably becuase of all of the stress lately. I have been "assigned" to bring wine and make a disgustingly fattening corn casserole. My stomach has been a horrible mess lately from stress so we have been eating a lot of salads and healthy stuff lately so I hope I can find some of that on the Turkey Day buffet. I have heard some ugly rumors about a "stuffed ham" which is apparently a Southern Maryland tradition (his cousin's wife is from there) so I am not too hopeful though. Anyone know WTH a stuffed ham is? If so, do tell.