It's been a long time since I've posted. more than two months at this point, in fact. To try to sum all of that time up in one post would be madness. Suffice it to say that I have been busy.
I have performed in "Red Herring" as Andre Borchevsky, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" as Dr. Scott and I dressed as a 1920's Gangster for the Heaven and Hell party. It was a time of multiple personalities to be sure.
Going into Novemeber I was pretty much trying to catch up one all the work I'd been putting off and spending more time with my brothers in the Phi Psi house.
December brought the beginning of the end. With the semester's end in sight I wrote a lot more papers and got to have the surreal experience of of riding in a big white limo to the Newberry library to get a little closer to some medieval manuscripts.
Finals came with a fury and with the worst possible timing I found out that I was going to get to live in the Phi Psi house. This meant packing had to be inserted into my carefully balanced finals schedule. I got through it all, somehow.
On another note the pressing nature of the time seems to have made possible what I had been trying to do for months. I finally said something to Katie about my desire to start a relationship. While I am pleased that I finally bit the bullet I have not been given an answer which is less than thrilling. We'll see how it comes out.
Christmas break has been restful for the most part. I managed to wreck my parent's van which was a less than stellar event. The holiday itself and my Birthday were nice quiet family affairs. Unfortunately, dad has had some dental trouble which is driving him slowly insane. Hopefully he'll feel better soon. I hate to see him like this.
So... yeah. Things have been pretty good all told. Yay.
In other news I need help deciding what kind of hair style to go with for the next year.
This is how my hair used to be. I don't know if it's a more attractive look or not. I guess that's the big question at hand.
Mid Length
Obviously I would go for something more styled than this but here is the general idea.
Shoulder Length
This was a pretty good length all told. I can pull it back and it was a good length for a lot of things I do.
This is what I've got going right now. I'm the redhead on the right. the one with the beard. I could get it trimmed so I have less flyaways and split ends and whatnot without loosing the current length.
I'm indecisive and I have no sense of asthetic when it comes to myself. I would thank you all to give a little input on this one. Call it a poll.