[my name is]: Torrie
[in the morning i am]: waking up
[all i need is]: my guitar, a girl, friends,and money
[love is]: something i keep missing out on
[if i could see one person right now]: i think u kno who u r
[im afraid of]: dying with nothin accomplished in life
[i dream about]:all sorts of shit nigga
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R ?
[pictured your crush naked?]: who havent i pictured naked
[actually seen your crush naked]:saddly no
[been in love]:ionno
[cried when someone died]:yes
[drank alcohol]:wat do u think
[lied]: NEVER
[flowers or candy]: candy
W I T H - T H E - O P P O S I T E - S E X ?
[what do you notice first?]: BOOBS jk eyes face legs and ass(i cant help if im a guy)
[last person you slow danced with]:dan feehan he is an incredibly good dancer
[worst thing to say]: thats a tough one
[scruff or clean shaven]: i like girls to be nice n smooth
[tall or short]: dont matter
W H O ?
[makes you laugh the most?]: most of my homies
[makes you smile]: hmmmmm
[gives you a good funny feeling when you see them]:britny
[easier to talk to (boys or girls)]:depends on the subject but most of the time guys
D O - Y O U - E V E R ?
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?] i sit on the internet wait for anyone to im me
[save aol/aim conversations]:if i need it for evidance in a futur situation
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R ?
[fallen for your best friend]:hmmmmmm
[been rejected]:hahahahaha wow a WHOLE BUNCH LOADof times
[rejected someone]: surprisinly yes odd
[been cheated on]: uhhhhhh no dont u need to be in a relationship for that to happen?
[done something you regret]: who hasnt?
W H O - W A S - T H E - L A S T - P E R S O N ?
[kissed]: caitlin shea
[hugged]:lauren tracy
[you instant messaged]:rachel grundhoff
[you laughed with]: agustin
D O - Y O U ?
[color your hair]: i have and i have intentions of doin it again
[habla espanol]: asi asi
H A V E - Y O U ? // D O - Y O U ? // A R E - Y O U?
[obsessive]:depends on wat its over
[could you live without the computer?]: as long as i have my guitar
[how many peeps are on you buddylist?]: 110
[what's your favorite food?]: i eat just about anytime of food there is very few things i wont eat
[whats your favorite fruit?]: the kind thats natural
[which hurts the most, physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]:depends on the person
F I N A L - Q U E S T I O N S ?
[i want]: to play a sold out show
[i wish]: i had a gf and money
[i love]: my homies and family
[i miss]: life back in the day
[i fear]: lonelyness and the government officals who r after me for certain reasons
[i hear]: eminem
[i wonder]: how i affect the ppl in my life
[first real best friend]: Danny K from back in the day
[first real memory]: when a window fell on my arm breaking it
[first car]: not thurr yet
[first date]: i guess it would be the one i had wit britny
[first job]:paintin the windows around my house
[first screen name]: TBNbugs
[first self-purchased album]: unknown
[first funeral]: my great grandmother
[first pet]: ionno
[first piercing]: penis jk my ear
[first big trip]: washington DC
[first play/musical/performance]: some play in kindergarden
[first concert]: <3RYAN CABRERA<3
[first music you remember hearing in your house]: unknown
[last cigarette]:cigarettes r for 18
[last car ride]: uhhhh i dont remember
[last good cry]: when i went to war wit the warrior tribe known as the dfhsjhfjdhas
[last libary book checked out]: nashua has a library?
[last movie seen]:AVP baby
[last beverage drank]:milk
[last food consumed]: some sort of burger
[last crush]: jill
[last phone call]: agustin
[last cd played]: CRADLE OF FILTH-MIDIAN
[last item bought]: hahahahaha me buying something thats a good one
[last annoyance]: being locked out of my house
[last ice cream eaten]: ice cream bar last night
[last shirt worn]:my grey jnco one