Doctor Who 6x07 'A Good Man Goes to War'

Jun 05, 2011 16:44

Thoughts, reactions, and spoilers for the episode below the cut.

Where oh where to begin?

1. Lost in (accent) translation...

Totally missed that the Silurian was a lesbian. And here's why: Because when that girl was saying "Ma'am", my American ears heard something like "Mom" or "Mum". I thought the Silurian had cross bred with a human at some point and that the girl was her daughter (she looks young enough). Someone on twitter mentioned a Victorian Lesbian Silurian (that they wished had been a thespian) and then that particular bit made much more sense on second viewing.

2. Can't believe I missed that clue!

Refering here to the Melody reveal at the end. Murray Gold actually told us the same thing a few weeks ago. In 'Day of the Moon' we hear (what I'm refering to as) Melody's Theme* for the first time. It plays during the regeneration scene at the end. BUT it also plays a few minutes prior to that during the "There's a first time for everything"/"And a last time" scene. In River's scene it is just the music, in Melody's regeneration scene the soloist's voice sings over the same tune. Very sneaky, Murray Gold.

And of course, it also plays at the end of 'A Good Man Goes to War'. (Sidebar: Could someone with mad audio skills take the last four minutes or so (from after River says "Doctor" right up until the credits roll) and rip the voices away from the music?)

*ETA: You know, upon further thought, I think it ought to be called "River's Melody" because then it would have tricky contraction wordplay in a way that really fits that last scene.

3. The new Bad Wolf!

image Click to view

4. The Doctor may or may not be a trickster, but Moffat definitely is!

I'm not the only one who thought Lorna Bucket was going to turn out to be River, right? I mean, I'm not just an idiot; that was a deliberate mislead, right? (Honestly, I was starting to think that Melody being River was the mislead and so I was ready to grasp at some other reason for River to be in this episode.)

5. I've Got A Theory!

Nothing major, just a prediction that I want to put out there so I can say that I said it if it actually happens. I think we were shown the regeneration for a reason. I think The Doctor will finally find her just a moment after that happens. I think he will find her BECAUSE of the regeneration. Because it puts off energy that can be tracked (see 2x00 'The Christmas Invasion'). That's why The Doctor's always crawling into the TARDIS to do his regnerating, isn't it? Anywho, I think he'll track that energy and turn up just a few moments later. (Possibly at the end of an episode where we see how it happened.)

6. Good episode for quotes!

I can't decide which is my favorite.

"We're the thin, fat, gay, married, Anglican marines. Why would we need names as well?"


"And, really, you should call her 'mommy', not 'big milk thing'."

7. GORRAM HIATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vid, incoherent babble, doctor whoville, fanboy moment

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