Destiny of the Daleks, City of Death, Warriors' Gate, Castrovalva, and Black Orchid.
Five's no Four, but maybe with time. And I already miss Romana. =(
Destiny of the Daleks
Never seen a regeneration go quite like that before.
Although, Eleventh Hour Podcast did mention something about Time Ladies possibly having more control over it, during their 'Let's Kill Hitler' episode.
"Should we go back inside?" // "What? And never know where I've been 'til the end of time? I wouldn't sleep at night."
Okay then. So somebody seems to have gone and drilled out the Daleks after 'Genesis'. At least, I'm assuming that's when we are.
"If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us?"
"Until the Daleks' universal supremacy is accomplished, I cannot allow myself the luxury of death." // "Oh, poor Davros."
The Daleks are sort of fickle, aren't they? They killed Davros last time, now they're taking orders from him.
This Davros doesn't sound nearly as menacing as the other two ('Genesis of the Daleks' and 'The Stolen Earth'/'Journey's End').
"We will have launch power in 32 minutes." // You will not have launch power for 31 minutes. I am not Amelia Pond.
City of Death
Production values seem to be getting better.
A crack in time?
How does that hat stay on Romana's head at that angle?
Seriously, that hat's at like an 85 degree angle and she's running.
The Count looks familiar. Have I seen this actor in something?
Warriors' Gate
New opening titles.
I've yet to hear a version of the theme that I haven't liked.
Is "Kilroy Was Here" like an actual thing? It was in the elevator shaft in 'The Invasion', on a wall in this one, and is also the title of a Styx album from 1983. Is it some sort of reference that I don't get?
It bugs me how the TARDIS doors never look closed when they close them. And sometimes he just swans off, leaving it completely open.
"You were the noblest Romana of them all." // Yes, I'd heard about that bit when I was looking through some crazy Donna theories once.
"Will Romana be all right?" // "All right? She'll be superb." //// "She just needs to rest. She'll be absolutely fine." // "No, she won't. She will be - amazing."
I bet River reminds him of Romana in a lot of ways.
So, is that the first time they actually morphed from one face to another on screen?
Hello, Mr. Davison. I've heard good things.
I'm guessing Adric has been hypnotized by the Master now?
Man, the TARDIS really is big. They must've gone a very long way if he's unraveled that entire scarf.
Heh. He's talking to Jamie and the Brigadier.
And his whole outfit is just sitting there for him? I guess the TARDIS really does look after her thief.
And call me crazy, but isn't that the hat Romana used to wear at a precariously balanced angle?
And he's deleting rooms.
Oh dear. Sideways TARDIS. That'd make a great name for a band, don't you think?
Celery. How long 'til he sticks it on his coat? // "Not many men could carry off a decorative vegetable."
I don't suppose a good cup of tea might fix that synapse problem he's having?
"Which is the quickest way out of here?" // *they all point in different directions* // "Yes. Well, that's democracy for you."
The brainy specs!
Black Orchid
"...considering what we've just done to London." // See, this is the trouble with trying to just get the gist of the series. They keep teasing me with all this in-between stuff.
Well, that's curious.
Wish I understood this sport right about now. (I'm not certain how it's spelled and my mind keeps supplying "Krikkit".)
It's like that football bit in 'The Lodger'.
Now my brain is subbing in 'A Useful Striker' as background music.
"Why do I always let my curiosity get the better of me?" // Well, it wouldn't be Doctor Who if you didn't.
I don't suppose Tegan's about to *invent* the Charlston?
:::My To-Watch List:::
(If you think there are serials I should add to the list, let me know.)
The Daleks
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Daleks' Master Plan
The Evil of the Daleks
The Tomb of the Cybermen
Fury from the Deep
The Mind Robber
The Invasion
The War Games
Spearhead from Space
Terror of the Autons
The Day of the Daleks
The Three Doctors
Planet of the Daleks
The Green Death
Death to the Daleks
Genesis of the Daleks
The Hand of Fear
The Deadly Assassin
The Ribos Operation
The Pirate Planet
Destiny of the Daleks
City of Death
Warriors Gate
Black Orchid
The Five Doctors
Resurrection of the Daleks
Caves of Androzani
Mark of the Rani
The Two Doctors
Revelation of the Daleks
Time and the Rani
Remembrance of the Daleks
Curse of Fenric
Doctor Who: The Movie