The first: From “Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS”. Glimpsed briefly as Clara ran through the TARDIS corridors, shortly before the swimming pool.
The second: From “Tooth and Claw”. Used to defeat a werewolf-like creature.
Wolf to Rose: “Inside your eyes, you’ve seen it too. … The wolf. There is something of the wolf about you. … You burnt like the sun, but all I require is the moon.”
Counting “Hungry Like the Wolf” in Cold War, I’m up to two wolf references.
Add to that the fact that Clara's mum died on the same day the Ninth Doctor met Rose and fought living plastic, as established in "The Rings of Akhaten". Then "The End of the World", Nine and Rose's first date, featured in "Hide". That makes four episodes that seem to reference Rose, and two points where this iteration of Clara narrowly missed crossing the paths of Rose and/or the Ninth Doctor.
Am I seeing Roses where there are none?
Have I missed any others?