Title: Closer to the Heart
Chapter 6: Show Time
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: One F-bomb. Other than that, if you’re not offended by the episode, you shouldn’t be offended by this fic.
Summary: Willow tries to support Buffy’s decisions.
Beta: The frakking awesome
kristina_secret, who put in overtime on my birthday!
Being able to post a double dose of Wiffy = a very nice birthday for me. )
Comments 12
It's actually kind of bizarre how intense she is about this... I was actually not allowed to talk to her about Dollhouse while I was watching it.
There is no rational reason for it to be so intense, but I feel like it could quite possibly be a result of her friends from high school who quite liked Whedon's work. A lot of them still act as if they are in high school, haven't really moved on in their lives, so really most things associated with them that she doesn't already have a high opinion of are kind of taboo, stemming from a sense of disappointment. Or something.
and she feels that Buffy is simply brimming over with it.
Based on one episode? I mean, yes it was a musical, but it also had some fairly dark overtones even as a standalone (which it probably shouldn't be viewed as, since it advances several character arcs).
Conflating shows with other emotional stimuli seems pretty common. That's why nostalgia is so powerful with some people. I doubt that there's any hope of convincing her it's worthwhile, but the condescension over your enjoying it seems a bit too far, in my humble opinion.
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