(find out which mass effect character you most resemble personality wise.)
Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either? Don't really care tbh
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Name: Marla
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pick three words to describe yourself: Creative, depressive, mysterious
What do you often think about? What are humans really doing? Is anyone really selfless anymore? How can I become inspired enough to start that new novel of mine? What can we learn from history? What were the Egyptians like? How was life like for the Japanese in the feudal era? Will homosexuality ever be accepted in society? So many things...
What are some of your favorite songs? Together Again by Evanescence, Ghost Love Score by Nightwish, Eva by Nightwish, Don't Forget by Demi Lovato, The Weakness in Me by Melissa Etheridge, and Pieces by Red.
Hobbies: Writing, video gaming, fangirling, concert whoring, paranormal, other stuff
Positive traits: Funny, intelligent, silly, quirky, spontaneous, stubborn, passionate, caring, kind, trusting, loving, insightful
Negative traits: Stubborn, caring, trusting, negative, mood-swings, hot-headed
Likes: Intelligence, patience, humor, beauty, seriousness, devotion, loyalty
Dislikes: Manipulative people, liars, two-faced people, deception, judgment
Favorite animal: a cat.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? Intelligence, mainly. I also like the interesting people that are slightly screwy in the head because they are different, and interesting. Beautiful, too. In a way. It varies. I also have a weakness for beautiful lips and curly hair. Black hair on a chic looks sexy, too.
Whats your ultimate goal? To be a writer.
Whats your biggest fear? Losing control.
Are you a risk taker? Sometimes.
How do you take losing? Depends on what I lose.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? Jennifer Beals. She has faced so much in her life but managed to stay grounded while doing so. She's also passionate about everything she does and has a reason for all of her opinions. It also doesn't hurt that she is easy on the eyes. She is also willing to go out of her comfort zone for people (or so it seems), and acts very selflessly. Despite her selflessness, she manages to take care of herself, which is rare. Some people are selfless but fall apart because they don't look after themselves, and others often look out for themselves at the seclusion of themselves.
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):
"I'm always shocked that gay marriage is such a big deal. You have to realize how precious human life is, when there are tsunamis and mudslides, when there are armies and terrorists - at any moment, you could be gone, and potentially in the most brutal fashion. And then you have to realize that love is truly one of the most extraordinary things you can experience in your life. To begrudge someone else their love of another person because of gender seems to be absolutely absurd. It's based in fear, fear of the other, fear of what is not like you. But when you are able to see lives on a day-to-day basis, rather than reducing it to politics, then it humanizes a whole community of people that were otherwise invisible." - Jennifer Beals
"The average teenage girl says, "I absolutely hate haters and hypocrites!" Most of them cannot see the humor in that. They are what they hate." - Duane Alan Hahn
""Men get tired of everything, of heaven no less than of hell; and that all history is nothing but a record of the oscillations of the world between these two extremes. An epoch is but a swing of the pendulum; and each generation thinks the world is progressing because it is always moving." - George Bernard Shaw
"Why is it whenever someone says "with all due respect", they really mean "kiss my ass"?" - Ashley Williams
"Conrad Verner: What if you signed me on as another Spectre?
Shepard: Conrad, I haven't been shot in the head nearly enough times to make that sound like a good idea. "
Shepard: You must have family other than your father. Don't you miss them?
Wrex: You trying to make me cry, Shepard?
"Can it wait a minute? I'm in the middle of some callibrations." - Garrus Vakarian
"Good to see that Garrus got that stick out of his ass. But now he's beating people to death with it." - Joker
"When you piss off Jack please tell me so I can hide." - Kelly Chambers
Joker: "Argh, you want me to go crawling through the ducts again?"
EDI: "I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees."
EDI: "It was a joke."
Eclipse Merc: "I've got nothing more to say to you."
Eclipse Merc: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhh......"
Shepard: "How about goodbye?"
Jack: "Damn, I'd better take notes from Shepard."
Mordin: "I'll try to talk more slowly -- No, I can't!"
''I am the very model of a scientist salarian.
I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics
(as a subset of biology)
because I am an expert
(which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian.
I am the very model of a scientist salarian'."
"Yeah i get it, don't break the bosses toys." - Joker
"I didn't just meet with the Council, they offered to reinstate me as a Spectre and I told them where to shove it." -Shepard
Ken: So Gabby, what do you think of our new quarian boss?
Gabby: Hush. She's right over there.
Ken: Ah, she can't hear us with her head in that bucket. Don't get me wrong; it's a beautiful bucket. The whole suit is lovely. Quite snug, in all the right places.
Tali: You know I can hear you.
Gabby: Ha.
"Amonkira. Lord of Hunters. Grant that my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness." -Thane Krios
"Just once I'd like to ask someone for help and hear them say, "Sure. Let's go. Right now. No strings attached." - Shepard
'I'm gonna win this war, and I'll do it without sacrificing the soul of our species" - Shepard
Bailey: (talking about the Shepard VI) When you erased a file it would say, "I delete data like you on the way to REAL errors"
Garrus: That's pretty extreme, commander.
Shepard: Laugh it up, Garrus.
If you want a problem shot, ask a turian, If you want a problem talked,
ask an asari, if you want another problem, ask a salarian. If you want
a problem fixed, ask a human.
Asari: Just like you fixed the council?
Shepard: You can sit here in your cushy chairs, sipping drinks and b*tching about humans because we saved your asses two years ago.
Kalara: That's not--
Shepard: If it weren't for the Alliance fleet, this station would have fallen to Sovereign, and you'd all be Reaper chow now.
Your welcome.
Enjoy your drinks, ladies.
Gabby: Forward tanks are full and buoyant.
Ken: You talking about the ship or Officer Lawson?
Gabby: I'm talking about the ones full of fuel and wrapped in armour, not out there bouncing in the breeze.
Ken: Oh I dunno, I find Officer Lawson's uniform very official... It certainly makes me stand to attention.
Anything Thane says, really. And Garrus. And Miranda. And Jack. GAH.
"Love is ultimately selfish, it demands that one be dedicated to a single person who may occupy one's mind and heart to the exclusion of all else." Wynne from Dragon Age: Origins.
(I have a ton of other Dragon Age quotes that are favorites of mine but I think you can guess them)
"You NEED to stop yelling. No one is hurt.. So you need to stop yelling. Do you fucking understand me you fucking Idiot or do I need to scream like you? Like a fucking insane savage?!" - Bette Porter from The L Word
"Excuse me, Dana, we really love you. But it’s not our cross to bare that you and Harrison have decided to masquerade as Ozzy and Harriet." - Bette Porter from The L Word
"You have no regard for what I'm going through, daddy. None. And until you can acknowledge that my relationship of eight years was every bit as meaningful as your marriage to my mother until you can see that my heart is broken because I failed the woman I love, perhaps in the same way that you failed my mother, then I really have nothing else to say. Except, you know... I am not giving up. I'm not gonna end up sad and alone and full of regret." - Bette Porter from The L Word
"I'm a huuuuuge cosmological joke.....that's what I am" - Bette Porter from The L Word
In other words, pretty much anything Bette says.
"I never should have let you go, i would do anything for another chance, i'm not afraid to make a fool out of myself."- Tina Kennard from The L Word
"I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. I think I was 12. It took me three years to pluck up the courage to speak to you and I was so scared of the way I felt... you know, loving a girl. I learned how to become a sarcastic bitch just to make it feel normal. I screwed guys to make it go away, but it didn’t work. When we got together, it scared the shit out of me, because you were the one person who could ruin my life. I pushed you away and made you think things were your fault, but really I was just terrified of pain. I screwed that girl Sophia to kind of spite you for having that hold on me. And I’m a total fucking coward, because, I got these...These tickets to Goa for us, three months ago. But I couldn’t stand... I didn’t want to be a slave to the way I feel about you. Can you understand? You were trying to punish me back, and it’s horrible, it’s so horrible, because, really … I’d die for you. I love you. I love you so much, it’s killing me." - Naomi from Skins
Anything from
here about Jade Empire
I really really have too many quotes that I love...
Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? I'm what an optimist calls a pessimist, and what a pessimist calls a realist. Yes, I made that quote up myself. But generally I can be pessimistic.
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? Short run.
Loner or teammate? Either.
Playful or serious? Depends in the situation.
Logic or intuition? Depends on the situation.
Feared or loved? Loved
Listen or speak? Either.
Forgiving or vengeful? Depends on the situation
Describe your...
Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): I can be quite submissive or competitive.
Dependability: Fairly decent.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): I talk when I need to but I prefer to be quiet around those that don't know me. Those that do, however, get me to talk more than my family ever could. Heh.
Maturity: Always had an old soul. So yes, very mature.
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):
I was awfully tired when I took this picture, lol. Don't ask. Also, my hair is much longer now. If you know the singer of Evanescence, think of her hair length. What it used to be.
What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? Red and black. Very sleek and classy.
What weapon do you use the most? The tempest SMG gun, but I rely heavily on my Shep's biotics.
Increased weapon damage or health? Increased health.
Weapons, biotic, or tech? Biotic
Paragon or renegade? Paragon with hint of renegade. I want to help people, not just myself. However, if someone pisses me off and there is no good alternative, I will bust a cap in their ass.
Follower or leader? Either.
Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Freelancer
How do you feel about the council? I think they think they know everything. While their "hearts" are in the right place, they go about representing everyone the wrong way and don't listen enough to others. Not only that, but they need to look beyond themselves. You know, actually listen to what every individual thinks. No matter what our race we all have our own personal views and beliefs. Sure, they can't please everyone, but listening to opinions and drawing a better solution that can appeal to everyone is a hell of a lot better. Still, I think their hearts are in the right place.
How do you feel about Cerberus? I don't know how to feel TBH. I like that they are pro-human, but at the same time I don't like the methods they use. If they want the council and others to trust them, they should make some sort of effect to present us in a better light. We're not all primal assholes. Just because they support a human in their endeavors (instead of asking them to bury personal shit) that doesn't make them any different or better than the Council. While it's nice to have their help, I don't really enjoy being coaxed into it. I'd much rather be in a mutual agreement of sorts AND knowing everything.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Probably an asari. They have long lifespans and are quite intelligent. Intelligence is engaging and having so much time to be able to run around and discover things (or even study various subjects/cultures/species/etc)...well, it'd be fun. Having all of that time to write novels would be interesting, too. They'd be more fleshed out and I wouldn't have to be worried about losing ten years. Being able to mind-meld with certain beings to get to know them very well sounds interesting. You can, essentially, get to know the ins and outs of a person and they can do the same with you. It doesn't even have to be intimate. The only weird part would be getting hit on by so many different species...
On the other hand, I'd like just to stay a human. Not just because it's familiar, but because we really fight for what we want despite our short lifespans. We have our flaws but because of them we are stronger and more reliant. We are all also very different, both psychologically and physically. We are unique - no other race is quite like us, even behavior-wise or psychological-wise. We are quite behind in many ways compared to other races but that doesn't mean we are stagnant.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? I can't choose one place - every place seems interesting. However, if I had to pick a place...I'd pick Omega. Or Illium. Both have a mix of different species and cultures. Life would be hard, but it would never be boring. I'd be wary to live at either of those places first due to the bad neighborhoods, but I'd get used to them eventually. I'm very good at adapting and being coldhearted when I have to be.
Who's your favorite ME character? Why? I like them all, to be quite honest. I can't pinpoint one. Every member has moments when they piss me off but they're just....people. Wow, that sounded weird. Subject Zero, Miranda Lawson, Garrus Vakarian, and Thane Krios are my favorites, mostly. They've all had hard pasts yet have managed to over come them with unbelievable strength. They are people you'd always want to have your back.
I've also started to like Kelly to some extent as well. She is very kind and loving. However, I do think there is more to her than she lets on. 'Tis quite interesting.
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? Definitely Kaidan. I know people say he whines too much, but that is EXACTLY what he does. OK, he had a hard childhood. I get that - I've lived it. Still, I don't run around crying about it. We all have scars to bear, and he doesn't seem to get that. Don't get me wrong, a little vulnerability is good sometimes but he just overdoes it. I can't like him, no matter how hard I try. He has good morals, I just can't stand him. He is far too self-pitying and opinionated for me to ever like him. He's also boring. My femshep doesn't like people like that. Period. Liara has her boring moments but she can kick ass and look intelligent while doing so. Just saying.
Anything else you would like to add? Nothing, really.
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? Sure!