(find out which mass effect character you most resemble personality wise.)
Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either? Either. :3
*Asari are going to be considered as female.
Links to other applications you've voted on: I went stamp crazy but here are the nearest two: [
Name: envirion
Age: 3 ^3
Gender: female
Pick three words to describe yourself: contradictory, cautious, excitable
What do you often think about? what to do
What are some of your favorite songs? eh heh heh heh heh...
Albireo, T.M.Revolution (
lyrics translation)
T'ik T'ak, Seo Taiji
Wanderin' Destiny, globe (
lyrics translation)
Carry on my wayward son, Kansas (Yes, discovered via Supernatural but I found the lyrics particularly inspiring and the song very singable. :D)
Superman, Norazo
White and nerdy, Wierd Al Yankovic
Dance of Curse, Escaflowne ost
Der Hölle Rache, Mozart
Ai no fugue, The Eccentric Opera
Storm, Yoshida Brothers
Sadame, X/1999 ost
To Zanarkand, Final Fantasy X ost
February Sea, George Winston
An ungodly number of songs from .hack//SIGN osts. (
To Nowhere,
Das Wandern, and
B.T. are my top tier.)
On the nature of daylight, Shutter Island ost
Death is the road to awe, The Fountain ost
Scorponok, Transformers ost
...I can't contain myself. ^^;;
Hobbies: Playing games, taking pictures of flowers, cosplay, dressing up
Positive traits: I'm pretty level-headed most of the time. I try to keep my promises. I want to value each and every one of my friends uniquely and specially. I try to look at things from every available perspective to gain better understanding.
Negative traits: I have low-ish self-esteem. (There's a lot of second-guessing I do.) I'm self-absorbed. (I like to use the word "I".) I have a very limited social knowledge base resulting in a lot of awkwardness. I have trouble trusting people. I'm lazy. I tend to devolve into fangirl state when faced with things I really like. I'm impatient.
Likes: Cake, Tea parties, Cucumber sandwiches, Fruit, Meat, Thrills, Funnies, Dinosaurs, Cyborgs, Robots, Existentialism,
yo dawg movies (like 13th Floor, Inception), Weird and wacky dreams, Physical solitude, Darkness
Dislikes: Vegetables, Pushy people, Being lonely, Direct sunlight on skin, Being bored, Random hugs, Discord, Anger, Disappointment, Watching people I love having their heart break or worry, Hearing complaints
Favorite animal: Triceratops! ...or Tiger, if it has to be alive right now.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? Though this may have been intended for sexual attraction, I've never really felt "homgtakemenow". I do admire a lot of people for their persistence, talent, and hard work with visible results because those are facets I would like incorporated into myself someday.
Whats your ultimate goal? To be happy
Whats your biggest fear? To live forever
Are you a risk taker? No
How do you take losing? Poorly. I start doubting if I can ever do anything right.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? *cough*
Baby Sinclair*cough* Because he's so cute and funny! (and got away with almost everything...)
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):
"It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly."
- Anatole France
"I have thought too much to stoop to action."
- Adam De L'Isle
"It is always consoling to think of suicide: in that way one gets through many a bad night. "
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
- Jean Rostand
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
- Dorothy Parker
"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."
- Chinese Proverb
"Coffee should be black as Hell, strong as death, and sweet as love. "
- Proverb
Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? optimistic, with an occasional hint of realism
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? I love to plan and think in the long run but tend to act in favor of the short run.
Loner or teammate? Loner
Playful or serious? Playful
Logic or intuition? I think with logic but act on intuition.
Feared or loved? I would love to be loved.
Listen or speak? I love listening to interesting stories!
Forgiving or vengeful? Forgiving but never forgetting.
Describe your...
Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): Low. I'm very "live and let live" type of person.
Dependability: I depend on my family and friends more than I'd like to admit and a little dependence on me is ok but I don't like having a ton of responsibility.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): Shy, aloof, awkward. I'm usually so worried I'd offend someone that it takes me too long to think of anything and the subject of the conversation had already changed five times. Also, I say "bye" too early a lot.
When I'm alone or with family, I really do act more like Baby Sinclair. ^^;;
Maturity: I'm either an "elder" level or... 3 years old.
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):
I'm doing the cosplay thing. What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? Black/Grey with Orange/Red highlights
What weapon do you use the most? Sniper rifle
Increased weapon damage or health? Health
Weapons, biotic, or tech? Sniper rifle ♥
Paragon or renegade? Pure Paragon
Follower or leader? Follower, unless the leader is incompetent.
Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Soldier
How do you feel about the council? They're just doing their job. I'd be a bit wary of humans too, considering our history.
How do you feel about Cerberus? :/ They're just like private-sector/lobbyists today. It's deplorable but they will always exist.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Hanar. Their stance on politeness makes me think they have a super rich culture full of rituals, etiquette, and protocol. Maybe they have super Hanar tea parties. *___*
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? In my own little asteroid world? Some place out of the way and hidden but not too far from the Citadel.
Who's your favorite ME character? Why? Nihlus. I think he would have given Shepard an honest review, barring any personal feelings. Very professional.
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? I can't think of one.
Anything else you would like to add? Did I do it right? Should I add anything?
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? username, please. :3