(find out where in the Mass effect universe you'd be best suited to live.)
What were you previously stamped as?(Please list other theme stamps as well) I’ve been voted Tali-esque and it’s been decided that that when it comes to Joker I would hit that with the fist of an angry god. I don’t have a best friend yet. :(
Applications you've voted on:
http://community.livejournal.com/me_stamping/25122.html http://community.livejournal.com/me_stamping/25449.html#cutid1 Name: Kate
Gender: Female
Color: Bluuue. Definitely blue. I have a hand-painted wall in my room that’s just different shades of blue. It’s pretty.
season: Probably autumn. It’s cool without (usually) being too cold, it’s got pretty colors, and Halloween and my birthday both happen then.
Music genre: Eh, I listen to a lot of eclectic things, and I’m tempted to pull a cop-out and put ‘Alternative,’ but I’ll go with the other really big section of my iTunes library - ‘Rock’ (which is admittedly also a very big umbrella).
Movie: A lot of favorites, but I think my top is Kevin Smith’s Dogma. Funny, thoughtful, filthy-what could be bad about that? Also: Alan Rickman as a snarky angel. Yes.
Food type(Spicy,sweet,sour,rough,etc.): I do tend to like spicy things, but I definitely have my limits. I probably like sweet the best, which is unfortunate because I have a family history riddled with insulin problems. :/
Whats your preferred temperature? Temperate-not too hot, not too cold. That’s got to be one of the best things about living on a ship or space station: stable, comfortable, controlled temperatures.
How would you prefer your mode of transportation? Anything that flies. Car, ship, biotics, living raft of flying gas bags-I just want to fly, dammit.
Do you prefer living in solitude or more of a clubhouse setting? I’d probably prefer private quarters that are nearby people I know. Enough solitude that I can chill when I’m in one of those moods where everyone is annoying me (or just hang out in fuzzy slippers playing computer games without someone interrupting when I’m trying to kill That One Boss and all my ally NPCs are dead and oh God why are you bothering me can’t you see I’m busy saving the galaxy?), but still close enough that I don’t feel lonely.
What would be your dream job in the ME universe?(cop, mercenary, etc.) I’m not sure. It’s tempting to say something combative, but I wouldn’t be willing to do the morally questionable merc jobs and I’m not disciplined enough for the Alliance… You know, I think I’d want to work as a diplomat. The updates you get about intergalactic affairs from the Cerberus News Network are pretty fascinating.
What is the size of your ideal living space? Not all that big. I do most of my living in about two rooms, so as long as they’re at least moderately large rooms, I’m happy.
What interests you most out of the four? Intelligence, culture, wealth, or warfare? Hmm. I’d probably say culture, then intelligence, then warfare, then wealth.
If you had to choose one would you rather live in an area with a lot of rules and tight control or lawless area? I’d prefer a lot of rules. I figure I’m more likely to need law-enforcement assistance than run afoul of them, though I do sometimes bend the rules.
Wheres one place you would definitely not want to live? Why? Eh, probably Tuchanka. I like krogan, but it’s not exactly a tourist locale, you know? Very Mad Max-esque. Hot, dusty climate filled with thresher maws and klixen and whatnot? No, thanks.
You're off from work and have no plans. What would you do to entertain yourself? Probably hang out on the Internet, really. Maybe watch some TV, play some games, ask my friends if they want to go see that movie I want to. Ooh, go shopping. Shopping is definitely fun.
You by chance find yourself in a position where you need to confront someone who did wrong
by you, how do you handle the situation? Talk it over with a group of friends? Ask 'em for a
little somthin', you'll forget about it by five o'clock, nor not even bother? I generally bother my friends and family by ranting over and over again until my rage is spent, then never actually bring it up to the person who wronged me.
Anything else you would like to add? Eh, nope, I don’t think so.