(find out which mass effect character you most resemble personality wise.)
Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either? Either. Have fun with it!
*Asari are going to be considered as female.
Links to other applications you've voted on: Analice
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Pick three words to describe yourself: Creative, Resourceful, Arrogant
What do you often think about? Doing homework honestly, not much time for anything else right now :( This close to winter break I'm eating, drinking and sleeping work.
What are some of your favorite songs? Your love is my drug by Kesha, Favorite DJ, Any old school hip hop, The "Queen of Night Aria", Vesti La Giubba and Largo Al Factotum, el Baile de Perrito, pretty much any type of song from any genre will wind up on my IPOD. Hell, I can sing half of those due to listening to them so much. Karaoke is awesome because of this.
Hobbies: Working out, art, music, reading, dancing, cooking (trying to cook at least), martial arts (namely Tang Soo Do),
Positive traits: Intelligent, artistic, naturally athletic and very fast, quick to understand things, open minded. I can learn to play most instruments by ear very easily, and can sing a song with decent pitch and accurate lyrics, even if I haven't heard it again in a long time. (My favorite is when people react to me singing Largo Al Factotum, especially the crescendo. Lets just say they always make me sing when we play Rockband)
Negative traits: Sometimes hard to understand when I get passionate, don't handle too much criticism very well, easily stressed by important assignments. My biggest flaw is how I have to dominate the conversation. I naturally feel the need to out talk others. I never interrupt them if I can avoid it, but I get antsy if I'm standing there saying nothing, especially if they're clearly wrong and Im in the position to correct them. I also overcompensate on being empathetic (trying to at least) because I naturally come off as kind of aloof or superior to others. It is hard for me to truly identify with others unless I can directly relate the problem onto myself, so I try to just be good to everyone so I don't slip up and become really cold. This leads to all sorts of social misunderstandings.
Likes: Coffee, food, video games, art, music, comedy, crime, sci-fi and horror films (especially bloody or really frightening ones). I love satire. History documentaries and the science channel. Discover channel is also high up on my list. Staying up late is another thing I like, it lets me get work done. I love watching sports! Football is one of my favorites, but watching softball is fun, and track and field reminds me of when I used to run sprints. THE EAGLES! And the Vikings! I love to go dancing, doesn't matter if I look stupid, as long as we're all getting out and doing it its a-ok! (Its especially fun when you consider most of us are accounting, art or biology majors looking like drunk fools when we try to dance. Ever see people try to dance but fail miserable and yet somehow do Beyonce's Single ladies and actually pull it off after a few drinks?) ROTC (I used to do it, I'll be going back into it soon)
Dislikes: MATH! Right wing politics, being low on funds, sleeping too much (I always feel sluggish when I wake up instead of energetic), curling irons, the community laundry room, pepperoni pizza (It'll kill me!), musketeer bars (also will kill me apparently, XD), vegetarian meals, food thats nasty but costs a lot of money, airplanes, slow dances, community kitchens, dirty cars,
Favorite animal: Dogs ^^ especially yappy little lap dogs, I like all animals though.
What type of people are you generally attracted to? Other artist and science majors, anyone I can have an intelligent debate or conversation with...but also people who like to get out at times. They have to have a sense of humor.
Whats your ultimate goal? I want to get a PhD, be an army officer AND become a college professor before the age of 35. I want to make it happen now because you never know how much time you have left, and I'd like my family to have something to be proud of. I'm on my way.
Whats your biggest fear? To have accomplished nothing in my life, or to have found out that I'd squandered myself on something fruitless.
Are you a risk taker? I used to be afraid to take any risks, but now I am not anymore. I'm cautious but not enough that I wouldn't be able to weigh the risk vs. the reward.
How do you take losing? Not. Very. Well. I'll act nice...but inside I'm often seething. Especially when I lose in areas that are my points of interest or my areas of expertise.
Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? Hm, so many. My parents...Barack Obama...Frank Lloyd Wright. Pretty much people who have spent they're lives trying to become educated and work for a world that is accessible for everyone, not just a chosen few. I also greatly respect both Roosevelt's. There's a long list of role-models honestly.
Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke
"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? I call myself "realistic". To me this answer can't be given easily because it depends on the situation itself. If I'm going to almost fail a course, I'm not gonna be optimistic about it, for example, thats just pointless. On the other hand, if somethings going really well, it would be almost too stressful to immediately look at how its too good to be true off of the bat. Though to be honest I am more likely to question a good thing and try to find the kinks than I am likely to be optimistic through a tough situation.
Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? Honestly? My "long runs" are sometimes short sighted sadly, but at the time it seems more like the long run when I actually think about it. It is like, in my mind it seems like its the smart thing to do because it just is. Clearly I've thought out all of the different ways it could go wrong right? I'm too busy trying to see the outcomes of the "short run" that I've tricked myself into thinking I've planned for the long run. If that makes any sense.
Loner or teammate? Both. I'm all fine with being part of the team and doing my best to help out, but I work really well when I'm doing my own work as a part of the team on my own terms in my own space. Pretty much I'll get ten pages of a quality paper typed up in like 2 hours if I'm by myself with some good music, but it would take me much longer if I'm distracted by someone else over my shoulder all day.
Playful or serious? Both. I'm really good at pretending to be offended or serious when I'm not. Its funny when they realize I wasn't about to chew them out. XD
Logic or intuition? Hard to say, I'd say my logic is somewhat fueled by my intuition, and vice versa in some odd little cycle. Its another tough question to answer because I feel everyone employs a bit of both.
Feared or loved? I'd rather be loved personally, but sometimes being feared has its bonuses. People are less likely to mess with you if they think they can't get away with it in one piece.
Listen or speak? Both. I'm a good listener...but when I speak? Oh man I can go on...and on...and like...100 miles an hour. Especially if it is something I'm passionate about. Normally someone has to stop me to ask me what I'm saying. In fact, some of the dates I've been on often had the ice broken by this. And don't even get into a debate with me...i'll keep talking until you've been put into a corner. Its one of my greatest flaws. I've done pretty good grade-wise in presentations though, apparently I'm a decent public speaker because I talk so much.
Forgiving or vengeful? there such thing as a "passive-aggressive-forgiveness"? I often will say I'm over things, but in reality things do bother me for a while, especially if I feel slighted in some way. Okay screw it. I'm vengeful in that cold sort of way. If you cross that line with me I won't waste time in letting you know it, my entire demeanor will change around you, and I will find some way to get even. Heck, you don't even have to overtly do anything to get on that list at some point, I'm rather observant and don't forget ANYTHING. Its seriously a problem because I've lost good friends because I've dwelled on what they've done while pretending I was over it like the day after the problem.
Describe your...
Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): Actually surprisingly aggressive despite my ability to appear diplomatic. This mostly plays out in my competitiveness. I am very competitive.
Dependability: I will always do my best to be dependable to the rest of my group, even if it takes me days to complete my portion of the work.
Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): Talkative when I need to be or feel secure enough in my knowledge of the situation.
Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):
I am above average height, with a very lean frame with more muscle than fat. No curves though :( Most people point out my high cheekbones and eyes as my most interesting features.
What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? A dark shade of blue or red with black.
What weapon do you use the most? Depends on the Shepard. But my personal favorite is a toss up between the sniper rifle or the shotgun.
Increased weapon damage or health? Damage
Weapons, biotic, or tech? Tech
Paragon or renegade? I always wind up with a large amount of both points, though there are more in the paragon side by the end.
Follower or leader? I've been both. Both have their plusses and minuses.
Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Erm...any of those would do
How do you feel about the council? I can understand they're reluctance to follow the word of just one Spectre...but I am frustrated by their lack of action after plenty of straightforward evidence and their lack of response to the deaths of humans.
How do you feel about Cerberus? I could understand if the aims of the organization were as noble as the feelings of many of the actual members. Sadly it isn't. I don't like organizations that disguise their dangerous agenda behind a push for advancement. It is a waste of people, and resources when your more worried about the outcome of your research than the cost of it.
If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? I honestly don't know...each one is pretty awesome, heh.
If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live?
Probably the Citadel...the colonies just are to homogenous for me, I'd need a diverse place with a lot of culture and action to be satisfied. The Citadel is safe enough for me to enjoy myself without being afraid I'm going to get murdered by Batarians.
Who's your favorite ME character? Why? Hard to say, I love so many of those characters. I don't know if I can answer this.
Who's your most hated Me character? Why? This ones also hard, I don't think I hated any of them. I suppose the one I liked the least would have to be the asari council member. Question me and my motives all you want, but when you do so while sounding like your being nice and diplomatic it just bothers me.
Anything else you would like to add? Nothing I can think of.
Would you like your name to be put on the banner? Sure why not?