I am the very model owner of this candy van parked outside...want some candy?

Jan 09, 2011 02:10

The Mass Effect BFF Application!
(find out what character in the mass effect universe would best fit in the role of being your BFF.)

Because everyone needs a BFF when saving the universe from the bad guys! Or big ol' creepy machines from the depths of space, yes?

Links to other applications you have voted on :  I voted on applications back when this community was made. :c

Who were you stamped as? :  I was stamped as Garrus.

Who was stamped as your ME Romance? :  Getting it on with Nihlus, babe.

Your name :  Réka

Nicknames, because BFFs have those you know :  Roo or Ré

Most embarassing nickname a friend has given you (I Know, it's embarassing and you probably don't want to share, but no one will judge you!) :  Queeny. It's more annoying than embarrassing.

Any interesting story behind that nickname? :  Well, sometimes I can get rather bossy and my favorite historical figure is Queen Elizabeth I, so I was dubbed the 'Imaginary Queen of Imaginary England' a.k.a 'Queeny'.

What makes you a good friend to have?:  I'm fiercely loyal to my friends, just give me a call and I'm there no matter what. And, I guess I'm also good at cheering people up when they're down.

What are some of your faults?:  Potty mouth, bad temper, I tend to be quite rude and I have little patience.

What qualities do you look for in a friend? :  Loyalty, sense of humor, and patience to put up with my mood swings.

Things that irk you that people do, even slightly?:  Repeating things. I'm neither deaf nor dumb, so the chance of me understanding what you're talking about is quite high. No need to repeat what you said.

Favorite places to hang out :  My place, their place, parks, coffee shops

Favorite things to do with your friends : Play video games, nerd out over comic books, and just have a laugh over the silliest things

Which do you think is better when it comes to friends? Opposites attract or birds of a feather flock together? (Do you like your BFFS totally different than you, or totally the same?) Birds of a feather. It just works out better when it comes to a long and lasting friendship.

Your friend needs a shoulder to lean on (Just lost their job, dumped by their S.O, lost their dog) how do you comfort them? : Give them an encouraging speech, take them out somewhere and then make them smile.

You and your friend just had a fight, how would you work it out? : I sulk away to cool down and then talk it over without raging.

You hear something that you know you should tell your friend but you've been told to keep it a secret because it might really hurt them, do you keep it a secret or do you tell your friend?: Depends what it is. If it's something I feel that they should know, I would tell them.

You find yourself in a situation where telling your friend the truth would hurt them, and a white lie would not and avoid conflict. Do you tell them the truth knowing they'll be mad or do you tell them the lie to spare their feelings? Why? : I wouldn't feel like I was fair if I lied. I'd tell them the truth as diplomatically as I could.

Would you like to have your lj username on the banner? Yeah, that would look awesome.

needs votes!bff, !needs votes, !applications

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