I am the very model of a badass chick Batarian~

Apr 13, 2011 21:57

Would you like to be stamped as a man, woman, or either? Either one will work for me. Doesn't matter. :D

Links to other applications you've voted on: http://community.livejournal.com/me_stamping/30103.html#cutid1 Here~
http://community.livejournal.com/me_stamping/29345.html#cutid1 And Here~

Name: Alison
Age: 18
Gender: Lady

Pick three words to describe yourself: Motherly, Sarcastic, Silly.

What do you often think about? The future, school, my family, fanfiction I want to write but never do. Mass Effect 3 speculation.

What are some of your favorite songs? Oh God don't get me started on music, I will never stop. I'm a really big fan of Rock and Roll. ACDC, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, The Sex Pistols (okay they're punk but you get what I'm going for here). I also have a serious weakness for stuff from the 1950s-60s, Louis Prima, Elvis... Recently, though, I've been listening to the Commander Shepard song and 'Iko Iko' by the Belle Stars.

Hobbies: I like camping, playing videogames, and collecting movies. I also collect bad paperback romance novels. Less of a Hobby and more of a 'chosen career path', I do a lot of acting. Hopefully someday for TV and Film, but right now just a lot of stage stuff. I do a bit of writing as well.

Positive traits: I've been told by a bunch of people that I have an 'old soul'. When I'm not acting like a goofball around my buddies, I have a tendency to be wise beyond my years. I've never had a boyfriend and I'm always giving relationship advice to my friends. I'm generally a very kind person, and people tell me I'm funny, so I guess I must be. I'm a hard worker, and I'm always looking on the bright side of things.

Negative traits: Horrible social paranoia, I tend to let people walk all over me.

Likes: Rock and Roll, Movies, TV, Video games, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Reading, Writing, Soccer, Cooking, Spending time with my friends, travelling, acting, a good sense of humor.

Dislikes: Shopping, Math of any sort, abuse, unwarranted self-importance, pessimists, people who cut me off mid sentence, mayonnaise, clowns, fart jokes.

Favorite animal: Bears.

What type of people are you generally attracted to? People who stick out a little bit. I'll be friends with just about anybody, but for the most part, if you're a little different from the people you're around, I'll make an attempt to get to know you.

Whats your ultimate goal? To be able to act, professionally, and for a living.

Whats your biggest fear? Being left alone.

Are you a risk taker? I can be. Not so much with food, but with other things, definitely.

How do you take losing? Pretty good. It's the journey, not the destination.

Do you have any role model(s)? If so who? & why? I have several, actually. Fanny Brice, Mae West, Madeline Kahn, and Julie Andrews, because they're all strong, beautiful, and talented women. They overcame a lot, and they're just wonderful people all around. (Or were, three of them are dead.)

Favorite quote(s) (doesn't have to be from ME):   "Being on stage is kind of like being in love. You can be close to the edge, and afraid to fall off- but in the end it's all worth it."--Jonathan Perry

Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic.

Do usually think about the result of a long run or a short run? I tend to think of the long run, more than short term.

Loner or teammate? Teammate!!

Playful or serious? Playful.

Logic or intuition? Bit of both. If no middle ground, logic.

Feared or loved? Loved.

Listen or speak? Speak.

Forgiving or vengeful? Forgiving, even if it's really hard.

Describe your...

Aggression (submissive,competitive, ect.): I'm usually pretty passive. I'm much more programmed to make faces at somebody behind their back rather than fight head on. But when pushed, I can get violent.

Dependability: You can depend on me for anything. I'm immensely loyal.

Sociability (talkative, shy, talk when you need to, ect.): Shy at first, gimme ten minutes and I'll be cracking wise and we'll be best friends.

Maturity: I can be very mature. I prefer to mess around and be a goof, but when the situation calls, I am very mature, very self-reliant.

Physical appearance (you can put a picture but its optional):  


What color armor does your Shepard typically/would wear? I tend to mess around a lot. Generally my Paragon Shepards will wear black with blue patterns, and my Renegade tends to get put in all red with different tones, or black on yellow.

What weapon do you use the most? I tend to stick with the Viper Sniper Rifle for the most part. That or M-12 Locust SMG. (Also, M-920 CAIN)

Increased weapon damage or health? Health.

Weapons, biotic, or tech? Weapon.

Paragon or renegade? Paragon, Renegade tendencies.

Follower or leader? Follower.

Soldier,Mercenary, or freelancer? Freelancer.

How do you feel about the council? If they would just LISTEN to me for ONCE...

How do you feel about Cerberus? I hate them. Boy howdy do I hate them. I tried to like them, tried to, just can't. TIM is a dick.

If you could be any race in the Mass effect universe what would it be? Why? Either a Quarian or a Rachni. Quarian because they're kind of weird. They're set apart from the rest of the Galaxy, no matter what they do, and I can relate to feeling different, or unwanted because of who I am or the things I have to do because of my life's circumstances.  
Rachni because their speech is beautiful. I always understand what they say when we meet them ingame, and I just think they're a fascinating species.

If you could live anywhere in the ME universe where would you live? Probably the Citadel. Though I could see myself travelling through the galaxy, serving on a ship or something of the sort.

Who's your favorite ME character? Why? Joker, hands down. He's hilarious, he's interesting, he's got a gorram BEARD, and let's face it, he's the best damn helmsman in the Alliance fleet.

Who's your most hated Me character? Why? Tie between Miranda and Liara. Miranda's a jerk even when I'm nice to her, and it's really hard to make Paragon choices when she's giving me that smug, 'I'm better than you' smile. Liara because she's kind of stalker-y and her left eye is always squintier than her right eye, so she's always giving me the stink eye.

Anything else you would like to add? 

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