today my dog was put to sleep the same do i had since i was a baby. the dog i've known and loved for 16 years. the dog i grew up with and portected me from my brothers. my first pet ever is gone. looking in his room at his little sleeping corner is unbearable. i can't stop crying. everything reminds me of him. he was the best dog in the world.i
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so camp was alright didn't get sore because life is much easier as a back. umm hit up miami last weekend. going on the new boat this weekend and whatever else.
so last night i went to the PBR (Pro Bull Riding) with cal ash and paige! throw rednecks and yummy cowboys together and its nothing short of hilarious.def. doing that next yr. update with pics l8r
all i can say is this is night was exactly what i needed i saw some of my awesome seniors, hung out wih some funny kids, even though i lost, i was the one and only spinard! summer has offically begun!