Gonearethedays: tell me a story.
Gonearethedays: or show me your boobs. hahaha
lovelystereotype: here's a story:
lovelystereotype: my leg hurts.
lovelystereotype: the end
lovelystereotype: what's your favorite movie?
http://www.gaystories.netGonearethedays: hell man.
Gonearethedays: I have alot.
lovelystereotype: pick one
Gonearethedays: well, clerks.
lovelystereotype: ok good choice.
Gonearethedays: and "the vampire effect"
Gonearethedays: and I could go on for days.
lovelystereotype: here's another story:
lovelystereotype: i have a wedgie. my right boob itches. i am wearing a wig.
lovelystereotype: the end.
lovelystereotype: ok...one more story:
Gonearethedays: hahaha
lovelystereotype: there was this princess and she was trapped in this really big tower...
lovelystereotype: and she really wanted this prince to come rescue her....
lovelystereotype: so you wrote him him a letter and it said: dear prince, a wicked queen has me trapped in a tower, if you resque me i'll give you a hand job.
lovelystereotype: fuck i'm am getting to the point where i can't type legitimate words.
lovelystereotype: but i'll continue:
Gonearethedays: hahahahaha
lovelystereotype: the prince got the letter.
lovelystereotype: he wsa like: hell yeah! a hand job, i bet this bitch is easy.
lovelystereotype: so he got on his house
lovelystereotype: no.
lovelystereotype: his horse.
Gonearethedays: hahahaha HORSE/
Gonearethedays: hahahahahah
Gonearethedays: god, I love you.
lovelystereotype: fine fuck you, i'll change the story.
lovelystereotype: HE GOT ON HIS HOUSE
lovelystereotype: and looked over some mountains until he saw the tower.
lovelystereotype: cause he could do that casue he had a really tall house.
lovelystereotype: but then it starting raining.
lovelystereotype: freezing rail.
lovelystereotype: rain.
lovelystereotype: and hailing.
lovelystereotype: and sleeting.
lovelystereotype: and he was trying to climb down off his realy tall house and he fell.
lovelystereotype: this really pissed the princess off.
lovelystereotype: so you called a french crackwhore from the payphone in the lobby of the really scary dark tall tower.
lovelystereotype: and the french crackwhore came over to the ddark tower and gave the evil wicked witch herpes of the mouth.
lovelystereotype: the witch liked it.
lovelystereotype: the end.
Gonearethedays: haha
Gonearethedays: I want to have your kittens.
lovelystereotype: i've found my new calling in life.
lovelystereotype: i'm going to write children's books.
Gonearethedays: fairy tales?
Gonearethedays: hahahah
Gonearethedays: pop up books. with herpes!
Gonearethedays: ahaha
lovelystereotype: hahahaha. YES!
lovelystereotype: "read you child a bedtime story and give them a venereal disease all at the same time"
Gonearethedays: LOL