The best entertainment of the group it seemed.
Austin's Mayor as one of the judges. Thought he was a little too nice to some of the people about their recipes. The Spam Sundae was probably the worst for me. Had ground up spam, refried beans, mashed potatoes and some type of banana or uhmm... that other fruit deal thats sorta but not really like them...
Hawaiian style Spam, trying to dress it up a bit. Cant remember if they were from Hawaii or if the chef was. Decent stuff though! My choice for the winner. The Spam sushi was second on my list though only didnt win because I couldnt taste the spam much.
Brian's must take pic.
Tesla coil that played music through it it sounded like, didnt figure out how it was all wired but did get pics of some sparks it had coming out of it. Interesting patterns to say the least. There were a few guy gathered around that were trying to regurgitate the info the creator gave them but they werent doing such a great job. Heard some guy saying that a Tesla coil has been a secret for over a hundred years and blah blah blah... the guy was a little too baked. We dont use Teslas for energy because theyre friggin loud, period.