014. minor disturbances [pokémon]

Feb 13, 2010 01:51

Title: minor disturbances
Fandom: Pokémon
Pairing: Paul/Dawn
Prompt: #71. Reason
Word Count: 100
A/N: what is this i don't even.

She still does not understand many things about herself, about why she thinks and acts the way she does.

She can’t think of a reason for not reacting like any normal person would to someone like him-

(but she can’t. She can’t walk away and ignore him for some unfathomable reason.)

and it frustrates her beyond all comprehension.

Because honestly? It feels as though she’s losing five years off her lifespan every time she even speaks - no, looks at him.

And she’s hoping that if she ignores the feelings that make her look at him, they will disappear for good.

challenge: ficlets100, fandom: pokémon, pairing: paul/dawn (ikarishipping)

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