JO/GAGA - The Ugly Duckling and her Collection of Wigs (oneshot)

Sep 10, 2013 11:09

Title::..The Ugly Duckling and her Collection of Wigs
Rating::..M for drug use and coarse language
Genre::..Drama and romance
Characters::..Lady Gaga and Jo Calderone
Author’s Note::..The title was inspired by Lady Gaga’s explanation of the swan scene in the Applause music video; she said they used the makeup to create the image of her being an ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

mrscalderone41 September 10 2013, 21:53:24 UTC
OMG I love this!<3
The part that made me crack up was the part when jo said she Looked like she got gang banged by a box of crayons xD lol
I also love how you describe his sense of style<3 goodness it's perfect :)


meagan4dominic September 14 2013, 04:08:31 UTC
Thanks so much. Haha, that was probably my favourite line as well, there's just no better way to describe the Applause cover makeup, lol


mrscalderone41 September 14 2013, 04:55:57 UTC
Very very true x)


ext_2191648 September 26 2013, 08:23:54 UTC
I just love your Jo/Gaga fanfiction. I've been reading them for the past week, I just can't get enough! Please write more. They are so addictive!!


meagan4dominic September 28 2013, 03:29:19 UTC
Wow, thanks so much!! I'm really glad you've been enjoying them and I like that I've got an addict on my hands now, haha. I've got a new one in the works, inspired by Gaga's new song Sex Dreams, I'll probably get that up sometime next month, stay tuned!


060696 September 26 2013, 21:31:39 UTC
I love stalking you LJ and finding a new fan fiction!. This is exactly how i imagine what Gaga was like in regards to men and her insecurities early in her career. I loved it


meagan4dominic September 28 2013, 03:32:35 UTC
Thanks, this really means a lot because I felt quite unsure about this fic, whether it was missing the mark or if the emotions I was trying to portray were too complicated, so I'm really, really flattered that you think it fits into Gaga's personality. Thanks so much my very kind stalker :)


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