final boarding call

Oct 08, 2013 16:02

Today I finally got the final season of Lost on DVD. I really can't say what has taken me so long to buy it, once upon a time I would rush out and buy each season the very morning they were released, but season six has been completely forgotten, my collection incomplete, for some unknown reason. This will be only the second time I've watched the ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

jesterlady October 9 2013, 00:52:15 UTC
Beautiful words, m'dear. I agree with it all. Lost was such an amazing show. it had its ups and downs and bits that drove me crazy, but all in all, it totally changed television like you were saying ( ... )


meagan4dominic October 9 2013, 03:10:35 UTC
I agree, there were definitely parts that drove me crazy (you were there, you know, haha), but as a whole it was such a rewarding experience and it was so worth putting the time into it ( ... )


jesterlady October 10 2013, 01:26:48 UTC
You said it! Normally I crave resolution and tying up plot threads, but Lost wasn't the kind of show that needed that. I think it was perfect and I am very happy you think so too. :)


aja_evenstar October 21 2013, 09:40:07 UTC
Omg i still haven't bought the final season either!!!!!! Well i guess not "either" since you've not made the purchase, well done! I was exactly the same, where i'd rush out to buy the dvd when it was released. I think the reason i was so lax in buying the final season was because i wasn't chasing the return return of a new season. So i didn't need to top up on all the extras so i was completely informed before the next season began. I'm totally cross with myself for not having bought it though. I'm planning on buying it in this November's Amazon Black Friday sale, so hopefully i stay true to my word ( ... )


meagan4dominic October 21 2013, 10:58:15 UTC
You must go and buy it right now, it's so worth it, now that I've finished rewatching the season I think it's the best since season one (which was always my undefeated favourite), so much reflection and the perfect ending. The final season has definitely jolted new life into my passion

Imagine being JJ, and Damon and keeping that secret for six whole years? Who could you trust? You'd have to check that your phone wasn't tapped and you'd be careful what you said to your significant other, haha. That is incredible in itself!! And the final season does bring everything back so beautifully that it does seem entirely possible that they were compiling a folder of ideas for the ending since the very beginning and they carried it off so well.


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