When you were Little...
*Were you a Tom Boy? Or a girly girl? When I was little little, (pre school - kindergarten) I was girly girl but than I went to the Tom Boy side.
*What did you want to be? An Actress
*(Did you play with dolls? If not what did you play with? I had one doll, Lucy, that I played with all the time and then my Cabbage Patch kids (being adopted, I thought they were pretty cool).
*Did you ever resent being told you couldn't do things because you were a girl? Very much so, still do
*What did you think your future 'love' would be like? Or was love the furthest thing from your mind? Boys were bad!!
*Did you "go out" with anyone in elementary school? Did you think it was forever? I went out with John Purchase for a week in fifth grade. He was my first "kiss"
In Junior High....
*Did you go to dances? I don't think we had dances
*Did you 'go out' with anyone? Yucky!!
*Did you go to slumber parties with your 'girlfriends'? I didn't have any friends in my class but I used to hang out quite a bit at Lisa's House! She's my bestest friend!!
*Did you have crush on anyone? Yucky!!
*How did you feel about love and relationships? Um, Gross!!
*Did you wear makeup? No, still really don't
*Did you start to feel the pressure of social standards for girls? I did but I didn't. . .a lot of people (with the exception of the Schwarz's) I thought were just dumb. I did get penalized on the golf course for being a girl. I was always told to play the short course because the long course was too long for a girl and I would take too much time.
*What was your hardest moment at this age? At the time, I just really wanted to be accepted but now I am happy with the friends I made.
*Did you feel awkward during puberty? Yes! I started my period in 5th grade (I didn't even know what it was. . .we haden't covered that yet).
As a teenager...
*How did you feel about love? Yuck! I hated boys
*How many people did you date? How serious were they? I didn't.
*Did you feel pressure to popular, pretty, etc? So-so. I was kind of my own person
*Where did you 'fit in' in the high school scene? I had my really good friends that I hung out with everyday. I wasn't part of the "in" crowd. I was a theatre geek.
*Were you popular with the boys? No, they were horribly mean to me (found out at my 10 year, it was because they liked me and I was just horribly shy. . .they took that as a blow off)
*What big 'steps' in the romantic sense, did you take during HS? Did you lose your virginity? First major breakup? etc None of the above
*What's your take on love? Love and Hate are so closely related. . .there are days I want to strangle Tad but I still love him. It is a day to day process.
*How do you view the standards society sets for women? Hate them!! The one thing I dislike about my job is I am the only one with a college education here and I am the only one that seems to be able to answer the phone. Also, with this whole Subway thing. . .even though it is Tad and I opening it, a lot of people talk to him about it. Hello!!
*Do you feel pressure to meet those standards? Honestly, I know who I am so I really don't feel the pressure. I just say Fuck it in my head. . .A LOT!
*How do you feel about women's magazines today? I read the articles. I don't focus on the fashion.
*Do you feel you forgo any 'comforts' in order to be attractive? Are you kidding me? Those of you that know me know that I don't forgo and comforts. I am the oldest Tom Boy I know!
*How important do you feel it is to be considered attractive in today's world? I have a man who thinks I am drop dead gorgeous with or without the makeup so I don't really give a shit what the World thinks. If I had to worry about the World, I wouldn't get much sleep.
*Do you think men understand how different the standards are for women? Do you think they understand the pressure of those standards? Fuck no
*If you're married, or have an SO, how is that person different than what you imagined for yourself in your younger years? I didn't really put a description on it.
*Is the person you're currently with anything like the people in your HS years? n/a
*Does it ever annoy you that clothing and items marketed to women are often more expensive than for men? I shop at outlets. . .really no difference
*Do you feel more strongly about women's issues now that you're older? I am more concerned for our little girls. They seem to be growing up so much faster than I remember.
*How do you see yourself? I am pretty content
*What do you want for yourself? Do you have an image of yourself you strive to fulfill?-I like where I am going.
*What 'girly' things do you do now? Ie; do you get your nails done, Go shopping with the girls, paint your toe nails, spend to much time in the bathroom? I get waxed. I still pretty much get my hair trimmed at Super Cuts, but every now and then go to the beauty salon.
*What things that women are 'supposed' to do, do you do badly? (for example, are you messy, have a black thumb, can't cook toast?)-Tad has the Green thumb, I kill everything that is green.
*What 'woman things' do you do well?-I am multi task oriented to a tee!!
*How do you view yourself as a woman?-I actually think Tad is pretty lucky to have me. I shovel off his car every morning and the decks (not a lot of women would be out there doing "manly things" and I cook a pretty good meal too!
*Do you feel you're a good example of what a woman should be?
I am a little iffy on that. I think I can be independent to a fault sometimes but I do hope some of my strong independence will rub off on the little one. That remains to be seen!