You know what this is, right? It's back to school time, and firmly ingrained within every child is "back-to-school shopping" for clothes and number two pencils. And those AWESOME Lisa Frank school supplies, before Lisa Frank turned into a whore. Yup, I'm feeling it too, my dear. Also, one of my two functional(and by functional, I mean they're the only ones that fit me) pairs of jeans just tore out at the crotch. Ugh. Yay, hair dying!! Your hair is always purty, but I do feel you made the right choice by deciding against the flame red, only because of the Pumpkin Flavored Sweater Set of Doom. I LUVE YOUUUUU!! Amy
You know, I do believe you're right... This explains so much! I think you need some new pants. Want to come up and buy pants? I'll take a weekend off work! PLEASE, I'M SO ACHINGLY LONELY! (Only halfway kidding there. But you should still buy pants.)
I totally know I need new pants, but my next weekend off that I'm completely free to skip town for a few days pry won't be till after the wedding. We've got the bachelorette party coming up, then a shower Nikki's family is throwing, then another shower Steve's family is throwing, then the wedding itself... ugh. This is why I hate girls. They neeeeeed things! But so yeah, I may be coming up to Chicago this fall sometime with Tif, we could meet up then if ya like? She's really into this "Lush" brand of smelly stuff, and there's no stores around here, they're all in Chicagoland. Number one being in Water Tower Place. So if you'd like a day of girly stuff that doesn't suck, I'll let you know when we're coming up, kay? LOVE YOUUU! amy
Probably gonna pass, as I don't know Tif well enough to be comfortable around her... Also, you trying to drive downtown is... um, stressful. And I have enough of that in my life right now. Love you regardless!
Comments 4
I think you need some new pants. Want to come up and buy pants? I'll take a weekend off work! PLEASE, I'M SO ACHINGLY LONELY!
(Only halfway kidding there. But you should still buy pants.)
Love you regardless!
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