What you have to realize, Alex, is that adult life is a fracturous one. You have to Jekyll & Hyde your way through your adult life--alternating between phases of child-like elation and morose, mature sadness. The best thing to do in life is deal with your sorrows as a rationally minded adult, but greet your joys head-on just as you would have were you twenty years younger and wearing one-piece pajamas. Don't embrace "adulthood" as a time in your life when you have to make every decision as a grown up; that way lies madness. As for me, I spend all my time studying, and the only thing that keeps me sane is the knowledge that, buried deep in my closet, my child-like joys are waiting to be unearthed. Sometimes they say 'nerf' on the side, sometimes they're just a pencil and paper, but they're always there if I will them to be. -N
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