bookwormmel tagged me, so here it is:
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Have you heard of the ongoing Darcy vs Thornton debate? Yeah, there's a reason for that one.
The last books you bought are...
I haven't bought books for myself in a while but I have had books bought for me recently. Those were:
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (hey, it's paid for. It counts!) - JK Rowling
2. Cross Stitch (Book 1 of the 'Outlander' series) Diana Gabaldon
3. Company - Max Barry
4.101 Things You Didn't Know About Lincoln - Brian Thornton
Five Fictional books you would take to a desert island:
1. The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams. If I had to pick one of them, probably....nope, can't do it.
2. The Ancient Future - Traci Harding. I have an unabashed love for this historical/sci fi/fantasy novel. I think it's one of the best examples of a raging Mary-Sue of a protagonist actually working (seriously, she's a buxom blonde black belt in tae kwon do Australian who goes back from the Nineties to the Dark Ages in Briton and ends up being worshipped as a goddess and marrying the king, introduces divorce and equal rights for women in society and eventually becomes immortal. Oh, and her eyes change colour in the second book and she learns telepathy, teleportation and how to change her appearance at will).
3. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott.
4. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
5. The Silver City - Pamela Bell. My favourite fantasy novel and not just for the 'chicks with swords' factor (although the main character, Halthris is seriously bodacious. And I may be a little bit in love with Ansaryon, her male counterpart) but also for the fact that it is, in my opinion one of the best examples of the creation of a complete fictional world. The cultural differences and geography in this book is very well done and very real to the reader.
Three books that would have made more of a difference in life had I read them years earlier:
1.The Dark Is Rising - Susan Cooper. My dad bought me this when I was sixteen, I think. I never got past the first few chapters.
2. The EarthSea Saga - Ursela Le Guin. Same story, except that I did actually read the first book of this and cannot remember a thing except the character's name was Ged and there was something to do with dragons?
3. Angels and Demons - Dan Brown. I read this after all the hype began surrounding the author so I think that I was probably much more predisposed to be critical of it than I would have been earlier. I'd like to believe that I would still have found it to be complete crap anyway.
Five books I borrowed and didn't want to return anymore
I rarely borrow books. I'm one of those people who just constantly rereads and occasionally adds something new to the rotation. So I can't think of five. However:
1. Wicked - Gregory Macguire. I really really really enjoyed this. I'm a sucker for dramatic irony and tragedy.
2. The Ancient Future. I stole this from my sister in the first place, so I guess it counts.
3. The Silver Bride - Isolde Martin. This one I acquired from my father, so it's one that I borrowed and never did return. Unfortunately, my sister has now done the same to me.
Three books I wanted to like more:
1.See the three that should have had more of an impact.
Three books I pretended to have read:
1. Lady Chatterly's Lover
2. Love In the Time of Cholera
3. The Series of Unfortunate Events.
Three books I am happy I bought last year:
1. Perfume
2. Dracula
3. North and South
Three books I wish I had written never read:
1. American Psycho
2. Harry Potter (only sometimes, although I think this one was probably inevitable)
3. The Da Vinci Code
What are you currently reading?
'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince', 'Band of Brothers' and 'Poirot Investigates'
Who are you going to pass this to?
Whomsoever feels like it.