(no subject)

Aug 01, 2012 18:59

I've really gotten bad about writing in this LJ. Maybe I'll write more if I use this as a semi-public organ log. I just had a productive lesson with Chris this evening, and perhaps I'll note down a few things here.

Literature played:

Vierne Berceuse
  • Up the tempo
  • Nice phrasing, stretch apex of phrases
  • Console management: piston pressing/stud stomping with releases, for smooth transitions between sections
  • Last section: imagine the melody under the Sw Bourdon solo
Bach(?), Short Prelude & Fugue in C
  • Think in 2
  • Don't exaggerate gestures: even out the strong/weak
  • But still, make the sections go somewhere
  • Fugue: nice touch, clean cadences. Think in 2
  • Registration (Fisk): couple Sw Plein Jeu to pedal rather than really high Pos mixture
  • Don't overdo addition before last fugue subject, but + Sw Basson 16 (on Ped) fine
New literature to be worked on:
  1. Lemmens Fanfare: articulation, but big downbeat chords not necessarily in strict French 50% off style
  2. Bach, Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (BWV 599): suspirans figure, but not ponderous
Other business:
  1. Next time: start with hymn playing (Hursley)  Play St Anne and Helmsley too?
  2. Consider joining AGO (especially at cheap student rate)
  3. Consider prepping for AGO Service Playing exam?
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