Beginning an entry with "should" is not productive. I should be writing an essay about the move between silence and speech right now. I'm not. I should be patching multiple voices together so they make something beautiful
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i'm going for photography, but i don't know where i'm going to apply. i had this plan for years, then got lazy and unmotivated and tried to convince myself i could be perfectly happy spending the rest of my life working a shit job, running from debt collectors, and drinking beer at punk shows. just recently i had to admit that i should probably set my sights a bit higher. so now i'm going to get serious.
Fair enough. I think time spent doing both of those things is valuable. Graduate school has been an amazing change for me, so far. Where are you thinking about applying?
a friend uses the following statement as a sort of ever-appropriate comment, when she can't think of anything else to say -- sort of the way non-academics use 'that's what she said!'
Comments 8
i also need to start knitting for this season.
'Foucault speaks to that!'
But I'm sure Foucault speaks to that.
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