So I forgot to mention that GM ‘M’ texted me during my
initial via-TEXT disciplining that “I should have called out if I knew I couldn’t work that day” when I’d told Manager ‘H’ the day before and Manager ‘S’ the day of (who also told ‘H’ the day of) that I would call out if they wanted to call someone who could work the full shift. Not that it would have done any good if I had called out because, again, they have no one to call except me and I’m not ‘on-call’!
‘H’ replied, “No, don’t call out. We need you/we don’t have anyone else to call.”
So today. I had burning/aching/swollen joints all over my body, feeling flu-ish and feverish for about two days. I didn’t dare call out (lest I be called a slacker or a faker or a coward or whatever else they can dream up). I felt better but not 100% for a particularly long shift. My family, since my brother and his girlfriend are in town, wanted to try some of D’s Pizza products. I was loath to give them any money after the initial incident, but I get a 50% discount.
I had also made up my mind to be the bigger person and stay on, working at D’s Pizza for the sake of money only. It would be rather pointless of me to get trained for another (higher paying, I might add) part time job in my career field where I would be on-call and dictate my schedule, not when I plan to pursue my real career. I even decided not to mention their poor management and tell my story - the truth.
Today, I ordered over $30 worth of later dinner for my family. I was clocked out, no longer working, off-shift. I still had on my uniform, untucked. A customer walked in, I was up front. I wasn’t clocked in so I couldn’t access the computers and help the customer - I called for two different employees who were clocked in to help (after I greeted the customer properly and told her someone would be with her in just a moment). They eventually took care of her. Now, while I’m waiting the 10-20 minutes my food takes to cook - food I’ve paid for, food I’m waiting for, as a CUSTOMER MYSELF, I put order tags on boxes just to be helpful. I wasn’t getting paid to do it. I couldn’t even answer the phones because I wasn’t clocked in. I could have done dishes or cleaned but, really, I’m not getting paid.
I went to the back to wait, so I wasn’t confronted with more customers I couldn’t help (what with wearing my uniform and all). During this time, my GM ‘M’ who wasn’t in the store TEXTS me. There are cameras nearly everywhere in the store. I know where they all are - they don’t bother me because I am usually a busy worker. If I can’t find anything to do, I’ll ask what I can/should do. I don’t like standing around to get paid when that’s not my job (sometimes getting paid to stand around IS my job but this isn’t one of those jobs). The managers can access the video feed on their phones/computers when they aren’t physically in the store. That’s fine, too. They won’t see me doing anything wrong. It’s their business. They have the right to inspect it and protect it especially when it’s highly rob-able.
So, me, off the clock, paying customer, waiting for my food in the back so as not to confuse other customers and get in the way of other employees, waiting in plain view of a camera.
The GM’s TEXT: “Please keep busy.”
Granted, this idiot doesn’t know I’m clocked off, but if he was paying attention 10 minutes ago, he’d probably have noticed me sitting in the office with ‘H’ getting checked/logged out because cameras! Granted, this was a nicer text than he’s sent before. Granted, if I was working, he would have every right to text me something like this.
He has no reason with my history to suspect me of any kind of slacking. I DON’T EVEN TAKE BREAKS EXCEPT TO PEE OR REFILL MY WATER! This, when I see employees parking their cars out front (no cameras) to smoke, take breaks, and goof off (I swear one driver keeps his various boyfriends stashed in his trunk because they mystically “appear” whenever he’s on break. That doesn’t include when he’s talking cars/trucks/jeeps with another employee when it isn’t break time and they have deliveries and we have to go outside and hunt them down, when I’m doing his dishes for him, etc.) That doesn’t include ‘H’s brother, (an acting manager/driver) Bob and EVERY driver and a few other managers and all but TWO cooks standing in the back, looking up stupid, immature videos on their phones, talking and DOING NOTHING WHILE I SWEEP THE FLOORS.
We clearly need to have a talk. Disciplining me via FUCKING *TEXT* MESSAGE. When I’m A PAYING CUSTOMER. When I’m NOT WORKING. And I'm being hassled like this. This is twice in one week they’ve jumped all over me for nothing that is my fault. The message the GM and ‘H’ are going to hear is: “text me or try to feed me lies and bullshit again, and I will walk out right then.”