Title: Bed Mates Characters: Sylar (Gabriel Gray)/Peter Petrelli Rating: NC-17 (for some explicit narrative, otherwise PG-13 slash) Word count: 650 Setting: Inside the Wall Summary: Sylar feels a change; he knows what they both need.
I adore the lovely way Sylar falls in love here, how he doesn't realize it, doesn't know it, can't label it. He just knows how he feels and the direction the instinct is driving him. It's like I imagine the Hunger worked for him - he can rationalize all day long about why he chose to become a serial killer, but it wasn't really his choice that did it. Any more than he chose to fall in love with Peter in this fic. I love how he doesn't know it's happened. He just knows Peter has to be in his life for his life to be complete. I can imagine him 'misplacing' Peter (you know, if Peter leaves to run and errand or whatever and Sylar doesn't realize it, that Sylar would be fidgety and anxious until he got back, then fussy and overprotective upon Peter's return
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I thought it was really interesting how Sylar noticed physiological reactions but didn't label them with emotion words; it's as if Sylar has never been taught anything about emotions or as if he's smart about everything but feelings. Are you thinking of him as having Asperger's Syndrome or something similar? This doesn't match my picture of Sylar -- he plays other people too well for that, so I think he actually has to be quite good with emotions -- but I think it's an interesting view of him, nonetheless.
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