Preaching to the choir?

Oct 22, 2008 18:02

While driving home from work, I saw a group of people demonstrating in support of Prop 8 on Mira Mesa and Camino Ruiz.

If you haven't read Prop 8 yet, here it is:
"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."


Black and white.

In fact, it's the text of the Knight Initiative, the same proposition that was passed in 2000, then overturned as an unconstitutional violation of human rights. Why? Because it invalidates gay marriage.

And now those same 14 words are back, this time as a potential California constitutional amendment.

I don't think I need to tell you that I opposed the Knight Initiative then, and I oppose Prop 8 now.

That's not what this post is about.

I was disturbed by the group of demonstrators I saw today. Not because they have a view different from mine, but because of the verbage of their signs. I don't think they could have been holding a more baffling collection of phrases if they had done it intentionally.

Here's what I saw:

Prop 8 = Freedom of Speech

Prop 8 = Religious Freedom

Prop 8 = Family Rights

It was a focus on protecting individual freedoms that I found confusing, and honestly, downright wrong.

My questions are:

1. How are you endorsing freedom of speech, if you are limiting a group of people from expressing their love for each other in the way they feel is most appropriate? I absolutely support your right to have a different opinion than mine, and to discuss it. I do not support denying any group the same rights that the majority enjoys.

2. How are you endorsing religious freedom, if you are forcing a group of people to subscribe to the values of a religion they do not necessarily follow? One tenent of the Christianity I grew up with is that followers must come to God willingly. Will, the freedom to perform good acts or ill, is the one characteristic of man that the angels envy. Why take away a person's will, their ability to choose the path they feel is right? Especially if it is a path already open to others.

3. How are you endorsing family rights, if you take away a person's right to build a family? Family rights are not limited to the traditional Father + Mother + 2.5 kids configuration. Our society as a whole has embraced single mother- and fatherhood, adoptive parents, and a host of "non-traditional" family groups. What makes this group so much different?

And finally, my most important question.

I think the No on 8 commercial I see on TV now and then sums it up perfectly.

It asks, "Regardless of how you feel about gay marriage, do you feel it is right to selectively limit the freedom of a specific group of people?"

My answer: No.
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