This is the entire saga

Apr 15, 2009 12:41

All I wanted was a simple, off the rack, underbust corset to wear Saturday night.

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark
Subject: Hours - Corset
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 1:13 PM

I can't access Myspace from work - can I please find out your hours today and do you have a 26', Isabella brand, underbust corset in black velvet in stock?


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Raven wrote:

we have many corsets in stock. we will be open until 8 pm our hrs are 12-8 during the week, fri and sat 12-9 p.m and sunday 12-6 our corsets are one of a kind. so you would have to come in see what we have in stock in that size (although we size you) and if we dont have what you want look in our fabric book and we will make it for you.

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark

Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 2:00 PM

Thank you but I don't want to be sized and I don't want to custom order anything I am trying to find something to wear this weekend.

I know the exact corset and size that I am looking for so I will try to pop in and see if you have it in stock.

Thank for your response,

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Raven wrote:

we have plenty of corsets in stock, but most will not be one ok a kind. you cant come in the store and buy a corset without being sized by us first. sorry.

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark
Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 8:55 AM

Thanks, at this time I am not looking for one of a kind - just something to wear Saturday night.

But no worries, I ordered one from Isabella.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Raven wrote:

If you were able to buy the corset from them on line I am very surprised, we have exclusives and they should have referred you back to me. I will take care of this immediately. thank you for telling me this.

[At this time I received the emial from Isabella telling me they cancelled my order]

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark
Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"

Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 10:39 AM

Uhm yea...

The thing is I have one of their corsets already, I do not like like being touched, and I knew exactly what I wanted. You told me I couldn't buy one from you unless I let your staff measure me.

You couldn't even confirm that you currently carried the brand or style I wanted in stock.

So I went to their online store and bought one.

If I couldn't have bought what I wanted online I would have just waited until I had time to make it myself. You didn't lose business from me.

I can't imagine that is a breach of contract.

But whatever.

Thanks for your time

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Raven wrote:

youi dont like being touched? but you want to wear a corset thats tight. ok. well you said you would come in to see what we had in stock. you didnt. we have probably 100 in stock. at any one time it is impossible for me to tell you what we have when I am not at the store. it takes 2 seconds for me to measure someone it seriously doubt that would be that uncomfortable for you. since our corsets are one of a kind. If you order one on line that we have already made in the smae color etc as one we made for a customer who was told it was a one of a kind, then we look like we lied. thats why isabella cant sell you one on line, period. if they do, they will loose 650 corsets a year. and there is no way they will do that. so sorry, you didnt come in and atleast see what we had in stock, it would have taken 20 minutes.

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark
Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"

Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 11:14 AM

I am not going to get in a pissing match with you.

You are right Isabellas cancelled my order - thanks so much. For the record they did nothing wrong.

You lost my business - I understand you do enough volume that you probably don't care. I wear alot of corsets, I know what I wanted, I knew what size I wanted and I just wanted to know if you had what I wanted. So I will not only NOT buy this one from you I will not buy anything from you.

I tried to buy a standard off the rack corset, if you tell people that it is unique you are a liar, and that isn't my problem.

I have no way of knowing via emial if you are in the store - you could have just said - I'm not in the store right now, either you can check back later or check out our huge selection in the store . You wouldn't even confirm that you carried Isabella brind

OK this is stupid

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Raven wrote:

Wow, you just don't get it.
all of our corsets are one of a kind unless they are black sat or any other solid color satin. we do not lie about that. even if you bought one "OFF THE RACK" AS YOU SAY IT IS STILL ONE OF A KIND. we go through great pains to insure that. as you just found out. Isabella did do something wrong, they broke a written contract with us by accepting your order. if you don't understand exclusives that is not my problem. you lost out because you have some strange issue with being touched. and didn't want to take 20 minutes to see what we have in stock. as for knowing your size, if you truly wore corsets (real ones) like you claim, then you would know that you go down in size when you corset. so it is not the same size every time. we stand behind our corsets so we need to measure every time for our records and for the discount our corset club members get when they buy their second, third, fourth corsets from us. no other retail corset company does that. we do. its called customer service. if you had come in yesterday or even today we could have had your corset here by Friday with out the shipping costs you would have paid from Isabella. You putting in a bad review does NOTHING. sorry. we have an excellent reputation and you throwing a hissy fit because you couldn't go behind our back and order directly from our vendor is obvious to everyone. you never buying from us again because you didn't get your way is fine by me. we do better with customers who are rational and understand how we do business and are adult.

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, meaux clark wrote:

From: meaux clark
Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"

Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 12:08 PM

It was hardly behind your back since I told you what I did.

At any point you could have confirmed that you carried the corset brand I was interested in and I would have come into the store.

I was asking for the exact same make , model and size of a corset I own and wear this shouldn't have been difficult.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Raven wrote:

If you are a customer that already bought your corset from us, then you would have known we sell isabella corsets
. remember you said you were coming in. you didnt take the time to see for yourself. you can feel all powerful with the reviews. in the end you dont have your corset because of what you did. period.
do not email me again.

From: meaux clark
Subject: Re: Hours - Corset
To: "Raven"

I am not a customer of yours. I have never bought a corset from you, I never said I bought a corset from you. I asked if you had a brand and style of a particular corset and you couldn't answer
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