Overall, it was fine, I guess. Not what I was expecting, really. The acting was better than average, but the writing was much, much worse. I'll probably give it another ep or two, but I'm certainly not feeling the love that a lot of other people seem to be. And part of the reason is
I really can't get over the rape scene. What was the freaking point? Of course, because of my current and absolute obsession with the Americans and how interesting I find their rather complex exploration of sex, power and violence issues (unlike some people on various social media sites who I see complain about that frequently, particularly in regards to the pilot), I have to compare the two scenarios. Because I CANNOT believe that, for the most part, I see absolutely no objection to Norma's rape. Let's compare:
The Americans pilot includes a somewhat-but-not-super-graphic rape scene involving the lead female, used for both character development and plot purposes in a way that non-sexual assault wouldn't have been able to, which results in the eventual murder of the rapist by a trained spy. The disposal of the body drastically alters the compellingly unusual relationship at the heart of the show, setting them both up for possible redemption or destruction. Very vocal reaction from at least a portion of the audience? Shock, dismay, disgust, annoyance at TV once again using unnecessary sexual violence against women. Won't be watching it again! (This woman, by the way, has been shown repeatedly as the one in power in virtually every sexual situation since then.)
The Bates Motel pilot includes a much more graphic and disturbing rape scene involving the lead female, arguably for character development and plot purposes (but ultimately unnecessary to produce the same outcome), which results in the eventual murder of the rapist with assistance from a previously-innocent teenager. The disposal of the body drastically alters the compellingly unusual relationship at the heart of the show, setting them both up for tragically certain destruction. Overwhelming reaction from the audience? Amazing! Love it! Best new show! I'm hooked! Where's the fandom?!
Maybe I'm the only person who overlapped audiences and I shouldn't accuse people of being hypocritical? Maybe it was more upsetting because it was Felicity? Maybe more acceptable or expected because of the show's genre? What? I don't get it. (My real belief: Bates Motel skews towards a younger and perhaps more immature audience.)
I won't even get into how they portrayed high school students, especially girls (oh, except for the one who had CF, of course. On one hand, good for them for including such a character. But it loses all meaning when she's the only one who's shown as nice and sympathetic instead of a promiscuous party girl.)
The thing is, there are some really interesting things they could do with this show considering Norman/Norma's relationship and (even though I hate the choice) the modern-day setting. I just have very little faith they'll actually be able to pull that off. Because, like I said, I found the writing and plot to be very mediocre.