Gear 36

Jan 04, 2009 11:46

Bad citizens are bad.

First they don't let Mouse and friends take care of them.

The~n they get sick. Sick sick sick sick si~ck...!

Citizens know what comes next.

Or do they?

Listen up City

One hundred bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beeeeeeeeeeeeeer, take one down and pass it around, ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall!

One hundred bottles, ha~ve so~me. Drink it all while the month ticks away. A curse? Ne~ve~r. A decree? A~bso~lu~tely!


Cry. Cry cry cry. All they do is cry.

Fine. Sharing is caring, if good citizens want to be good samaritans and drink for their friends then fine.

If they have to drink the jailbait juice then fine.

Where did the fun go?
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