BBM Screencaps ~ The Kiss Scenes, Pt. VI, The Stairs Kiss, Second Half....

May 03, 2006 00:05

Brokeback Mountain Screencaps" ~ The Kiss Scenes, Pt. VI, The Stairs Kiss, Second Half....

This post presents the second half of the "Stairs" kiss," or, "Reunion" kiss....

The lovers pause to breathe. Ennis seems almost overwhelmed by the experience, but becomes aware of where he is. He breaks the connection to glance furtively away, almost resentfully, wary, perhaps chafing at his sense of risk. But Jack hangs on, not letting go, and Ennis seems to settle under Jack's touch, encouraged.

Ennis appears to reach an internal decision, and, with a smile, he invites Jack to meet Alma. With a bound, they are up the stairs, the cursory introduction is made, and Ennis whisks Jack away to the motel.

~ Screencaps from "Stairs Kiss", second half:

~ Mechtild

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