Title: Hugs Before Drugs
Summary: House is anemic and they need to find out why. When they do, Wilson decides his role in House's life needs to change. Assumes an established relationship.
Words: 2500
A/N: Written for prompt 001: Anemia at Sick!House, x-posted.
“You rang?” House asked as he stepped into Wilson’s office and sat in the chair across from
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Comments 34
Already a sick_Wilson member, but now you have me craving sick_House as well!
Am curious...is there any reason why you don't double space all of your paragraphs? I've seen it a lot lately in some other comms and was wondering.
I don't know if there's a trend going on regarding spacing. I don't have any particular reason beind it. I just copy and paste from word, and leave it as it comes out.
Thanks again for reading and reviewing. :)
ps I love that icon, it's hilarious.
*g* Thank you :)
I loved this, lots of detail & story in a compact piece. Thanks for sharing!
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I appreciate the feedback. :)
Loved the caring Wilson in this one, and House's tacit attempt with the NSAIDs. And both of them were completely IC, which I particularly love in all your fics!
So... Thanks so much for sharing!! :)
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