[ Player Name ] : Ky
[ Personal LJ ] :
kylie_gmc [ Age ] : 24 as of May 18
[ Timezone ] : USA Eastern
[ Other Characters ] : none
[ Character's Name ] : Kanaya Maryam
[ Character's Age ] : 6 solar sweeps; approximately 13 earth years old
[ Series ] : Homestuck
[ Canon Point ] : As she finished discussing her plans for the Orb with Karkat, shortly before Eridan's arrival.
[ History ] :
The wiki gives a decent amount of information, and has already been accepted as the example others offered. I'll include an addendum summary of the points I've found quite relevant while developing this application that weren't all included in the wiki
mspaintadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Kanaya_Maryam As with the other trolls, Kanaya emerged from her cocoon, survived the trials and was adopted by her lusus. They chose to build their hive unusually far in the desert, among some interesting ruins. There she was not only inclined to being awake during daylight, but able to safely go out into it. Her lusus was somehow unable to prevent her from wandering out into the sands during daylight, and so she made risky, restless adventures. This continued for a short part of her early life until she encountered a stranger who taught her to awaken her dream self.
From then, she fulfilled her wanderlust by exploring Prospit in her dreams and remained near her hive during the day. These dreams allowed her insight to the future through the oracle clouds, and over time became aware that all of their species would die except the players in the game. While her hobbies and interests would encompass a wide variety of pursuits of beauty, her goals revolved around making sure that all the members of the game would survive to fulfill their roles in the future.
[ Personality ] :
Kanaya Maryam is something of a misfit among the trolls, even with each being as different as they are.
She lives primarily in the sunlight, though her species is nocturnal---sunlight is dangerous enough to most trolls that viewing the sun directly blinded one of her peers. Her lusus, the creature that served as her guardian since her youth, is the nearly unprecedented virgin Mother Grub---one of the creatures that lays the eggs that eventually develop into trolls, who renounced that duty in order to raise her.
She is also unusually interested in aesthetics, from fashion, home design, topiary art and landscaping. Her favorite books are romance and "rainbow drinker" stories, seemingly akin to vampire romance novels such as the Twilight books... indicating her simultaneous interest in the dynamics of being a social outlier and of the beauty that can still be found in existence.
Kanaya tries to make those around her be happy and get long with others more easily. Peoples' problems are often due to having assumptions and acting on them. She listens enough to understand the situation, and encourages people to examine their assumptions by asking very leading questions, usually starting with "Have you considered that...?" Typically her aid is purely given through advice and suggestions. On more rare occasions she intervenes more directly, abruptly, and violently. Her chainsaw gets involved more than once.
She seemingly has a history of acting as auspistice for others, essentially acting as a mediator between those whose relationships are growing inappropriately hateful. Multiple of her peers, especially her (ex?) moirail Vriska, refer to her as meddlesome. However Kanaya is neither meddlesome nor a mediator. She is helpful. Helpful, dammit! Even if the more reckless and dangerous of her friends and peers never can be helped.
Throughout Hivebent, Kanaya prefers to seem calm, collected, and stable. She takes care with her words to choose those directly communicating what she means, she seeks to guide her friends and allies safely through their trials, and undertaking whatever unpleasant actions she must. This calm is to some degree a facade, as she had multiple sources of information about the future, between the cloud-visions in her dreams and her access to the walk-through that Rose Lalonde wrote. When she is truly surprised, her reactions are more abrupt and emotional.
A consistent way to irritate Kanaya is to make a fool of her. Whether by counter-trolling her, requesting needless side projects from her in order to divert her attention, or creating an obscene spectacle when she could be seen observing, Kanaya responds irritably.
[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
+ Fashion, design and tailoring
+ Wielding a chainsaw, be it for topiary design, impromptu amputations, or fighting
+ Evidently capable of rising as an undead rainbow drinker shortly after death
- Dangerous women
- Unfamiliar sarcasm
[ Other Important Facts ] :
Kanaya speaks in a very precise and even-toned manner, using anything ranging from long sentences of large and unusual words to one word slang remarks; whatever is needed to most accurately convey her meaning. Some conversation conventions, like emoticons to depict mood and ellipses to denote silence, she uses only when she announces their use ahead of time.
Her Even Toned Manner Is Conveyed In Her Typing Quirk By Capitalizing Every Word
She Also Doesnt Typically Use Punctuation
As with the majority of trolls, Kanaya uses her blood color as the font of her text when using any messenger program.
A skill that is emphasized during her time trolling Rose is her ability at snarking; making snide, sarcastic remarks. She had already occasionally amused herself by imitating others' manners of speaking, and then dryly informing them of her amusement. As she has described sarcasm among trolls as deliberately jerky behavior, her amusement was intentionally at their expense. Once she takes lessons from Dave and Rose in subtle sarcasm, hers becomes nearly indistinguishable from her earnest remarks. In addition, she begins to slip and unintentionally respond sarcastically in the playful manner that humans do. It becomes a source of worry for her that she might be hurting others' feelings through such slips.
Kanaya's strife specibus, or category of weapons that she can use, is makeup kind. She carries a tube of lipstick that can convert into a chainsaw on her command. It's still useful as makeup, as she repeatedly demonstrates.
Her fetch modus is the Chastity modus, which allows her to get items out only when she is ready to use them; this ties to her foreknowledge theme, as the ability to use an item tells her it's time to use it. So, anything that she might store in card form will only be removable when it's convenient to the plot.
Third-person, exploring her thoughts in moments between canon scenes:
Kanaya's eyes narrowed in concentration as she stared into the screen of the computer that Sollux had helpfully set up for them. Her fingers moved as she scrolled up and down, looking for a new clue, but none revealed themselves to her.
For herself and the other trolls, scrolling up their timelines revealed the strange swirling lines. Within each of the human's timelines, she could watch through their lives until the scratch---all of them except Rose.
The Human Rose, she thought briefly, and smiled in a moment of silent amusement. The smile faded as she stared at the moment of frozen time in which the viewport of Rose began to turn to black. There was no apparent explanation for it, aside from implications that the dark powers were responsible. Which they probably were, but it was hardly a satisfactory answer. Kanaya wanted to understand and to know if it was potentially reversible.
She considered the possible sources. It seemed that, of her fellow trolls, she was the primary one to speak with the tentacleTherapist. Most likely none of them would know anything more than she did. This left her with questioning the humans. John was even stupider than her initial impression of Rose had been. Dave was deliberately frustrating, to a degree that even surpassed Rose. This left the fourth of their group, Jade.
Kanaya contemplated Jade's timeline, looking for an ideal time to start the interrogation from, and opened a new Trollian window.
A thread in the dear_mun community, in which Kanaya rambles a bit before giving me encouragement to continue with my application.
This thread can be found here. [ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :
I hope I can count on people to give me crit when I start veering ooc with Kanaya~! Most of my rp experience is from boards where we played characters deliberately based on ourselves, and it's a bit of a stretch for me to get into someone else's head. But I'm going to try anyway, because this looks fun and I've enjoyed chatting with several of the members of Vatheon over in the aim chatroom!