Title: Twenty Random Facts about Nymphadora Tonks
meddowCharacters: Tonks, various others.
Rating: PG
Summary: Twenty Random facts about Nymphadora Tonks
Disclaimer: I’m making no money from this.
Author's Notes: This was written as part of
Harry Potter Random Facts Fest 1. Nymphadora Tonks’ first act of transformation occurred when she was five minutes old. As she was handed over to her father she changed the colour of her irises to match his. This simple act marked the last time Tonks ever appeared as she actually was. She lost track of her true appearance long before she was mature enough to contemplate what she was giving up.
2. During the first war there was a jingly they played all the time on the Wizarding Wireless Children’s hour about running and hiding when you see black cloaks and green lights. Tonks knows it off by heart and has been known to sing it when she’s drunk and miserable.
3. Snape dubbed her the least threatening Slytherin the house has ever produced. Tonks didn’t care. She liked that with a shift in the shape of her noise she could coax a smile from all her schoolmates, from the most bigoted of the Slytherins to the staunchest of the Gryffindors.
4. Tonks is one of only five people whom Mad-Eye will actually listen to.
5. It took overwhelming evidence before she considered Sirius Black to be innocent. Once she got to know him she wished it had not taken her so much convincing.
6. For period of seven years, a strange Hufflepuff girl was behind nearly every prank at Hogwarts. Strange in that not even other Hufflepuffs seemed to know her name, she never received a Hogwarts letter or attended class and she was never seen in the same room as Nymphadora Tonks at the same time.
7. Andromeda doesn’t know that Tonks remembers the time when she was five and her mother packed their clothes into a suitcase. Tonks remembers the big metal gates that her mother stood by crying for what seemed like an eternity before her mother took her back home.
8. There are fifteen celestial constellations made up of freckles arranged on various part of Tonks’ body. Ever now and again she moves those constellations around and lets Remus play astronomer.
9. Tonks never made the decision to live her life in pursuit of a greater cause. She cannot remember a time when she did not expect it of herself.
10. She tells people that if she had not been admitted to train as an Auror she would have become a roadie. Really, she would have become a healer.
11. Tonks was behind Charlie Weasley failing his first apparition test. Though he started it.
12. She knows it takes a great deal of hate to cast the killing curse. Tonks thinks she may just have enough for her Aunt.
13. Every now and again Tonks likes to remind the Weasley twins, Remus and Sirius that while they may have broken more rules then her at school, her presence had resulted in more new rules being created than them and the Marauders combined.
14. Tonks has never stopped secretly wishing that she was a Muggle-born. Or at least not a Black.
15. When she was twenty, Tonks worked out she had spent at least a quarter of a year of her life wondering what she really looked like and a good percentage of that was spent worrying she was the spitting image of her Aunt Bellatrix.
16. For a period between Hogwarts and the Order, Tonks spent a lot of time a Muggle clubs thinking that since they did not know of her powers, she could truly be herself. In the end she realised that her powers were part of herself.
17. Tonks does not scar.
18. On her father’s side, Tonks has eleven cousins. Most rarely see her and the rest have never met her. They don’t know that their Uncle Ted is magical and his daughter is fighting a war on British soil. They can’t know. They all think she’s a hairdresser.
19. She understands where Dumbledore is coming from with all his talk of love. Tonks knows that anger is exhausting, denial is corrosive and sadness is crippling. Remus Lupin caused her to learn that lesson. But their love also gives her hope, something so precious and so rare. Love has given her the means to her destruction and yet it has also given her the means to survive. Tonks thinks that love truly is a powerful force.
20. Tonks can list the choices she wished she could have made about her life but never had the opportunity. Though she knows that in the future there will be one she can make. In a way she has already made it. When they come for her she will not run or hide of bargain for her life. When they come for her she will stand and she will fight.