Glamour, Substance, and the Carthian Way

May 16, 2007 08:40

[Sent to the Carthians email list yesterday]

At the beginning of the year, we had a potentially productive discussion on this list about what to focus on in 2007.

I proposed that we make 2007 the Year of Common Ground. I proposed that we focus through this year not on our differences with the other Covenants (and within our own), but rather on things we have in common. In 2007, the Carthian Movement would be best served in focusing on things like stepping up in force against the Brood and VII where they become a problem, and (I suppose) in maintaining the Masquerade where it is threatened. I argued that Carthians everywhere in their local domains should bloom where they are planted as it were. Understand that the revolution(s) we seek may not come immediately, but the reputations we build for ourselves as sane, responsible, reliable citizens and associates will certainly do that revolution more good than harm.

We all know that the Movement has spectacular potential. Our talents for networking and innovation are unparalleled. We get bogged down because we get into infighting over things we can't agree on--who makes up our leadership, whether or not we should federalize or confederalize or whatever. There ARE things that we can agree upon, though, even with the majorities of the other Covenants and most unaligned.

We have enemies in common with the other Covenants. We have causes like the Masquerade in common.

If we focus for this year on being good neighbors, good citizens, label it how you will... we stand to build a unity and a camaraderie within the Movement that is sorely lacking, despite a vocal pretense to the contrary. We will create that common ground and build that trust amongst ourselves, and we will build it with the other Covenants. They'll have less ground to call us children and anarchists and radicals if we show them consistent, verifiable proof that we are not.

When I proposed this, it was met with positive feedback... and then it got bogged down in an ultimately pointless and shallow discussion about giving it a catchier name. I'm a blue collar guy, and I don't care much for what people think of me as an individual. I couldn't give less of a damn about labels. However, whether it's January or whether it's May, the merit of my proposal stands.

It's not too late.

--Tanner O'Neil

Tanner O'Neil: We All Know He's Right, But Nobody's Gonna Listen.
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