Title: Life Revolution
ring34_aniFandom: Star Wars
Characters: Darth Vader, unknown officer
Rating: Rated G
Word Count: 524
Disclaimer: No ownership, no profit, just fanfiction.
Summary: Life can change in a moment, even for a Dark Lord.
Life Revolution
He was surprised. He hadn’t thought he really cared that much about living anymore. That he felt glad he was still in one piece was a strange sensation and he puzzled over the change, wondering when it had happened, how it had crept up on him unawares, leaving him suddenly vulnerable and unsettled.
He could feel their eyes on him and he wondered, curious unexpectedly and that was new too, how they saw him. His armor was scored and blistered. His helmet gone except for the breathing apparatus and the soft mask of cloth that covered his head. His eyes felt gritty and singed from the hot smoke and he hoped they weren’t damaged again.
A new pain persistently made itself known and he looked down at his right arm, surprised to see the protective sleeve torn open, exposing scarred flesh and a gash above where his mechanical arm connected to what was left of his real arm. Bright red blood ran down through ashy dirt to drip off golden fingertips and he wondered vaguely what had happened to his glove.
“Sir?” He turned his head to look at the young officer striding beside him. How long had he been there? “Sir, do you need medical? I…could escort you there.”
Vader stopped suddenly and the officer screeched to a halt, eyes gone wide and startled as he looked at his commander.
“Do I look that bad?”
“My Lord?” The officer’s voice had dropped until it was barely audible as he looked at the brilliant blue eyes amidst what was left of the ebony mask.
“You heard me.” Vader suddenly felt tired to his bones and closed his eyes briefly, trying, but failing, to remember what events had led up to this time, trying to remember what he was suppose to do…about the boy. What would she have wanted him to do? And he ached at the thought of her but it was tinged with wonderment that he could think of her after all this time, that it was acceptable to think of her.
Everything he had worked for all these years was irrelevant now. He had plans to make, things to do, and he felt wonderment as he anticipated these changes, felt an urge to laugh at how the Force had twisted his life when he’d thought he’d had no life. The illusion he had lived behind was as broken as his armor was.
Then he flinched as he felt an unexpected touch on his left arm and opened his eyes to see the officer very close, his face worried. Vader couldn’t think of his name, it was something very unsuited to his tall, gangly frame.
“Sir…should I…call someone?”
Vader turned his head to see he was still in one of the landing bays. How long had he been here? It seemed many hours ago that his ship had landed. Pilots and mechanics and droids bustled around, watching him.
“I need to get to my quarters. You will walk with me. Everything I need for repairs is there.”
“Yes. Yes, of course, my Lord.”
They walked in silence to the bay of elevators.