01. If you could go back to one point in your life and choose to make a different descision, what would it be? From what to what? Simple, I wouldn’t have given up music
02. You have one week to live how would you spend it? Full speed ahead, and yet making every effort to leave myself a legacy.
03. I'm liking the question I asked shelly, so forgive me for using it again. You're stranded on an island. It's round with a 2 mile diameter. In the center is a volcano and there is a lush forest around that, which is circled on the coat by a beautiful white sands beach. You have a hair brush, a mirror, the clothes your wearing and a swiss army knife. The volcano is rumbling. What do you do? Well, fortunately I’m wearing full scube gear, so, I swim. Okay, maybe not. I use the saw on my swiss army knife to cut down saplings and lash them together with vines to make a raft, then Gilligan screws up the escape attempt so I beat him to death with the hair brush.
04. What if your favorite quote of all time? “To those he has given much, much he expects”
05. What is the air speed velocity of an un-laden European AND African swallow? According to the Internet movie database,[1] "The airspeed velocity of an un-laden swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour, beating its wings 7-9 times per second rather than 43. And a 5 ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut."