You are the Rogue of Love in the Land of Motion and Falsehood.
Your chumHandle is gardenEnthusiast
Your interests include COLLECTIBLES and PALEONTOLOGY.
Your wield the screwdriverKind specibus and have combined your POWER SCREWDRIVER with your SPOCK POSTER and FOOTPRINT FOSSIL to create your awesome weapon.
You are obsessed with collecting EVERY
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Comments 13
Your chumHandle is [color=#76cfd4]imperfectPacifist[/color]
Your interests include BIOLOGY and COOKING.
Your wield the bladeKind specibus and have combined your SWORD with your CRAB CLAW and TOASTER to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are easily distracted neon yellow pandas who like mining.
Your chumHandle is [color=#7fa265]doubleAcupuncture[/color]
Your interests include WARFARE and SCIENCE.
Your wield the 2*3dentKind specibus and have combined your PITCHFORK with your NIGHT-VISION GOGGLES and NEWTON'S CRADLE to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are violent rainbow wolves who like adventure.
Your chumHandle is [color=#935cc1]arachnidsXylophone[/color]
Your interests include COLLECTIBLES and IMMATURITY.
Your wield the grenadeKind specibus and have combined your FRAG GRENADES with your TARDIS and BOUNCY BALL to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are shy yellow mice who like gemstones.
Your chumHandle is [color=#c24782]unusualIllustrator[/color]
Your interests include SCIENCE and KNICK KNACKS.
Your wield the projectileKind specibus and have combined your THROWING KNIVES with your VIAL OF MERCURY and MUSIC BOX to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are gullible white vultures who like philosophy.
Your chumHandle is [color=#627101]imperfectPerfectionist[/color]
Your interests include MUSIC and VIDEO GAMES.
Your wield the 2*3dentKind specibus and have combined your 12-STRING GUITAR with your GOLD LEAF and SONIC PLUSHTOY to create your awesome weapon.
The consorts of your land are FORGETFUL YELLOW RABBITS who like TOMFOOLERY.
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